Sabbath 8/20/16 Seventh Day Baptist of Daytona Pastor Wray sermon “Victory In Christ” I Cor. 15:57
GOD gives us VICTORY thru JESUS CHRIST! When we get over our heads in projects that we started, we have a couple of options: find someone to do it for us or take the time to learn the skills so we can do it ourselves. This is okay when it’s a physical task. But it’s a different story with our spiritual lives. In our relationship with God, sin has separated us from God. There is no one to fix it-the sin problem. This is why it took God to fix it for us. God sent Jesus and He finished what we started and then He moved on.
At the right time, when we were powerless, Jesus died for us to fix our sin problem. Christ died for us while we were still sinners, when we couldn’t fix things ourselves. God acted when were powerless and He acted at the right time. He was right on time when we were powerless and had no power, no hope or strength. We were not able to accomplish our own salvation. We could not deliver ourselves and were ready to perish. God’s love was directed at the ungodly. God acted with the reason being to save us. So Jesus came and died for us. There was nothing good in us to motivate God to act this way for us. He loved us anyway, even though He detests sinners. God sent Jesus to help us anyway. God’s actions of love He did and does for us are purposed to save us. We were disobedient to God’s word but He loved us and sent Jesus to die to save us. We should rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus. Jesus Christ has delivered us from the wrath of God that is coming. Jesus has reconciled us to God and changed our destiny. Romans 5:12-17.
Death came to man because of sin in the world. The gift of life came to man through Grace and Jesus Christ. Through one man, Adam, came death. Through one man, Jesus the Christ, came life. Sin entered the world through Adam. We started sin and death thru disobedience. Sin and death existed before there even was a Law. God brought life instead of death through Jesus. The empty tomb-Jesus’ empty tomb is an open invitation to be reconciled to God. The Son of God, Jesus, died for us, was resurrected from the dead and is now sitting down on the right hand of God in Heaven.
Jesus’ ministry as Savior is completed. All we have to do is accept what God has done. He sent Jesus to be our Savior and intercessor. Our road to victory is through Christ Jesus himself. We thank Jesus that He gave his life for us so we can keep on keeping on in Jesus’ name
GOD gives us VICTORY thru JESUS CHRIST! When we get over our heads in projects that we started, we have a couple of options: find someone to do it for us or take the time to learn the skills so we can do it ourselves. This is okay when it’s a physical task. But it’s a different story with our spiritual lives. In our relationship with God, sin has separated us from God. There is no one to fix it-the sin problem. This is why it took God to fix it for us. God sent Jesus and He finished what we started and then He moved on.
At the right time, when we were powerless, Jesus died for us to fix our sin problem. Christ died for us while we were still sinners, when we couldn’t fix things ourselves. God acted when were powerless and He acted at the right time. He was right on time when we were powerless and had no power, no hope or strength. We were not able to accomplish our own salvation. We could not deliver ourselves and were ready to perish. God’s love was directed at the ungodly. God acted with the reason being to save us. So Jesus came and died for us. There was nothing good in us to motivate God to act this way for us. He loved us anyway, even though He detests sinners. God sent Jesus to help us anyway. God’s actions of love He did and does for us are purposed to save us. We were disobedient to God’s word but He loved us and sent Jesus to die to save us. We should rejoice in God through our Lord Jesus. Jesus Christ has delivered us from the wrath of God that is coming. Jesus has reconciled us to God and changed our destiny. Romans 5:12-17.
Death came to man because of sin in the world. The gift of life came to man through Grace and Jesus Christ. Through one man, Adam, came death. Through one man, Jesus the Christ, came life. Sin entered the world through Adam. We started sin and death thru disobedience. Sin and death existed before there even was a Law. God brought life instead of death through Jesus. The empty tomb-Jesus’ empty tomb is an open invitation to be reconciled to God. The Son of God, Jesus, died for us, was resurrected from the dead and is now sitting down on the right hand of God in Heaven.
Jesus’ ministry as Savior is completed. All we have to do is accept what God has done. He sent Jesus to be our Savior and intercessor. Our road to victory is through Christ Jesus himself. We thank Jesus that He gave his life for us so we can keep on keeping on in Jesus’ name