Saturday 3/8/14 Pastor Evan Go Be Free Now Pt 2

Saturday 3/8/14 Pastor Evan Go be Free Now pt 2 Luke 10:1-3, Mark 16:14-15

The problem is that people don’t like to get or receive instructions. Gods gives us invitations or instructions that begin with Go. In our text, Jesus told the disciples to go and preach the gospel. He said he was sending them as lambs unto wolves. He also said to remember that He was sending them out. When they did obey His instructions, they returned with joy saying the demons were subject to them because of Jesus’ name.

Most of the time we are fearful of the instruction to Go. We see it as an instruction instead of an invitation. Going is more about the work that God does in us then the work He actually has us doing. If we are willing to step out and Go as God tells us, then God will do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we may ask or think. What He can do through us and in us is dependent on us being willing to go! Too many Christians are sitting on the sidelines bored because they are not going like God said. Be willing to say, “Yes God, I will go”. Then He will start the work in us and the work thru us.

When we first start out going, we won’t feel very adequate. But as we keep going, things will happen and change in us until we are good at it. When we choose to move from being a casual observer to being an active participant, something will change in us. Many of us God has told to Go but we are not sure where to go. Go means going from one place to another. Move. This could mean joining a new bible study, talking to your neighbor about Jesus or starting a business. In Mark 16:14-15 Jesus rebuked the disciples for their unbelief when the women told of his resurrection. When people get rebuked they sometimes feel like hiding, stepping back and hiding. Jesus then tells the disciples to Go. Go and tell the gospel to the world. They may not have felt ready but Jesus would be with them always.

It is not about what we can do but what Jesus can do! The invitation if for us to go so He can work in us. He will have us do more for Him then we could ever imagine. Jesus working through us abundantly! It is not about what we got to be but what God wants to do through us and in us. We need to put our confidence in what God can do! Decide to make a move for Jesus. If God be for us, who can be against us! Look to Jesus!
