Saturday 8/2/14 Alfred Station Sdb Pastor Tim Sermon Jacob’s Ladder

Saturday 8/2/14 Alfred Station SDB Pastor Tim sermon Jacob’s Ladder Genesis 28:10-22

Many people want God to speak to them directly and just tell them what to do. The text today shows us what happens when God does this. Jacob went to sleep and dreamed and God spoke to him. God told him about the land that He was giving him and that God would be with him always. Jacob awoke, made an altar unto the Lord and vowed a vow to God. Many of us sang the song called Jacob’s ladder as children. Now as adults, we can come to know the Living God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Abraham was a pioneer who God called forth to a new land. Then there was Isaac who was put on an altar to be sacrificed. He would always remember this and always have faith in God. Then there is Jacob. The one who was bold, brass and a taker of what is not his. Jacob lied and stole his brother Esau’s birthright. Jacob was on the run from an angry Esau and he was going to his uncle’s house.

Today we should remember that God hears us and cares for us no matter what the condition is that we are in. In this passage, Jacob is traveling in between two places, his home and his uncle’s house. God knew Jacob was a con man and He decided to talk to Jacob in his sleep. In his dream, Jacob sees a ladder from God. Some of us want to see our ladder as a one-way ladder, from Heaven to us-blessings coming down to us. Some of us want it to be a one-way ladder, from us to Heaven-we telling our stuff to God. However, God wants a two-way ladder. He wants a Relationship Ladder that goes two ways. God talks to us and we talk to Him.

God spoke to Jacob and explained who He was and what He would do for Jacob’s family in the land that He would give them. God will also bless us with a special place that we can do things, have things and be blessed. Then we can be a blessing to others. Are we prepared to bless others? This impulse to bless others is a “biblical impulse”. In verse 15, this Living God is with us. Are you ready for a God that is with you? Jesus is named Immanuel--God is with us. God is not only with us but He will empower us and lead us in our lives.

Jacob wanted to know a strategy for his life but when he awoke, he made an altar to the Lord from the stone he had used as a pillow. God had called Jacob out to tell him things that would change his life. When God calls us out and tells us things, where we are will become a special place for us too. We need to remember God’s promise to be with us always! The Peace of God will touch our lives. The God of scripture is a God of Relationship. He will never leave us as we follow Him. Psalm 23 says God is with us and we need not fear. He is our shepherd. God will lead us home. Jesus is our Shepherd. Jacobs’s ladder lets us know that we are part of God’s flock and Jesus is our Shepherd.
