Saved By Grace

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast."
Grace: Grace is God’s unmerited favor—His love and kindness toward humanity, even though we don’t deserve it. Grace is freely given by God and is not something we can earn or work for.
Through faith: Faith is the means by which we receive this gift of grace. It’s our trust and belief in Jesus Christ as our Savior that allows us to access God’s saving grace.
Not of works: This phrase emphasizes that salvation is not something we achieve by our own efforts, morality, or adherence to religious laws. If it were, we could boast in our own achievements. Instead, salvation is solely the result of God’s grace.

I am leaving soon to visit my mom who has ALZ. She has professed Jesus Christ as her Lord and savior many times.
She did not help people much, she did animals. She did not comfort me in my hardest trials in life.
She was not a generous person with her life and her interaction with life people were often selfish.
Today she is mean, nasty to the caregivers, demanding and just all about not nice to them and reflects her life.

None of us are Good. We attempt Good at the very best and in and entire life we will not exit being Good.
My mom is saved, by his grace. Not because she earned her way into Heaven.

I see allot of people in here since joining that are confused, wandering life in and out. Unsure of the future.
But, they proclaim their faith in Jesus and have accepted that only through him may we be saved.
(Romans 3:23). The consequence of sin is death—both physical and spiritual (Romans 6:23). Grace is what saves us from eternal separation from God.

I do realize that some variations of Christians and other religious view do not agree. But the Bible its self is clear.
I do not know the depth my mom tried to live as Christ directed, but that is not a condition. Not being very nice to people or caring about others.
Does not keep you from Heaven.

Rest and know that he is God.

None of us are Good. We attempt Good at the very best and in and entire life we will not exit being Good.
My mom is saved, by his grace. Not because she earned her way into Heaven.
Oh.... the TRUTH that rings in this statement is the difference between FREEDOM and BONDAGE.

Grace = Mercy and as you pointed out.... that mercy and FORGIVENESS of ALL our sins does not happen because we are "good"...
but rather because JESUS IS GOOD and HE was the PERFECT SACRIFICE that pleased God. This is something I think of ALL the time.
It is how I live my life... it is how I pray... it is how I find my HOPE. The fact that JESUS loves me so much and has forgiven me is the ONLY thing that keeps me going.

Grace brings FREEDOM.... When a believer KNOWS that their salvation is secure because it didn't have anything to do with their skill or merit... and EVERYTHING to do with the price Christ paid at the cross... that person is able to work on their RELATIONSHIP with Father God and His son. The Holy Spirit dances in between those two relationships and makes it all complete.

Those who believe they must KEEP themselves saved by "being good" are ENSLAVED in LEGALISTIC red tape. This is an unsustainable belief system that usually implodes rather than explodes because of hypocrisy and secret sinning that is not brought to light due to trying to LOOK good on the outside for the world to see.

I am well acquainted with this ugly world of striving. I had to walk away from my family several years ago due to their harsh judgement and terrible doctrine.

If we only knew how DELIGHTED the heavens were when we break out in spontaneous praise... I'm talking... put your Worship on... blare it... and get on your knees or dance before the Lord.... THAT act petrifies and repulses satan ... and at the same time... it shelters you from his harm... and GOD LOVES it... because it is a free-will offering. The same free will that is given us to CHOOSE right from wrong... the same free-will that allows us to CHOOSE to believe that JESUS was the PERFECT SACRIFICE and by HIS work and shed blood and death on the cross.
There is no "us" in what CHRIST did. It is HIS DOING.... Our SALVATION is because of what HE did... and so no amount of being GOOD on our part can ADD to it. THIS is WHY our good works are like filthy rags... It's a slap across the face to GOD.

ACCEPTABLE and PLEASING WORSHIP.... People try and define this all the time... they think it's defined by the GENRE of music.
YES words are important... and WORSHIP is different than a PETITION.... but what WORSHIP really is.... is the CONDITION of the heart of the person who is approaching the Throne Room to PRAISE ALMIGHTY GOD. The Christian who enters the Throne room knowing that they are saved by HIS GRACE create a SWEET and PLEASING PERFUME to GOD. Those who believe they must be good can't offer anything to God. They have NOTHING to offer Him and so they are unable to really Worship.

I have no idea why I decided to comment here but this is a topic DEAR to my heart and at the same time... this is a topic that deeply pierces my heart.
Oh.... the TRUTH that rings in this statement is the difference between FREEDOM and BONDAGE.

Grace = Mercy and as you pointed out.... that mercy and FORGIVENESS of ALL our sins does not happen because we are "good"...
but rather because JESUS IS GOOD and HE was the PERFECT SACRIFICE that pleased God. This is something I think of ALL the time.
It is how I live my life... it is how I pray... it is how I find my HOPE. The fact that JESUS loves me so much and has forgiven me is the ONLY thing that keeps me going.

Grace brings FREEDOM.... When a believer KNOWS that their salvation is secure because it didn't have anything to do with their skill or merit... and EVERYTHING to do with the price Christ paid at the cross... that person is able to work on their RELATIONSHIP with Father God and His son. The Holy Spirit dances in between those two relationships and makes it all complete.

Those who believe they must KEEP themselves saved by "being good" are ENSLAVED in LEGALISTIC red tape. This is an unsustainable belief system that usually implodes rather than explodes because of hypocrisy and secret sinning that is not brought to light due to trying to LOOK good on the outside for the world to see.

I am well acquainted with this ugly world of striving. I had to walk away from my family several years ago due to their harsh judgement and terrible doctrine.

If we only knew how DELIGHTED the heavens were when we break out in spontaneous praise... I'm talking... put your Worship on... blare it... and get on your knees or dance before the Lord.... THAT act petrifies and repulses satan ... and at the same time... it shelters you from his harm... and GOD LOVES it... because it is a free-will offering. The same free will that is given us to CHOOSE right from wrong... the same free-will that allows us to CHOOSE to believe that JESUS was the PERFECT SACRIFICE and by HIS work and shed blood and death on the cross.
There is no "us" in what CHRIST did. It is HIS DOING.... Our SALVATION is because of what HE did... and so no amount of being GOOD on our part can ADD to it. THIS is WHY our good works are like filthy rags... It's a slap across the face to GOD.

ACCEPTABLE and PLEASING WORSHIP.... People try and define this all the time... they think it's defined by the GENRE of music.
YES words are important... and WORSHIP is different than a PETITION.... but what WORSHIP really is.... is the CONDITION of the heart of the person who is approaching the Throne Room to PRAISE ALMIGHTY GOD. The Christian who enters the Throne room knowing that they are saved by HIS GRACE create a SWEET and PLEASING PERFUME to GOD. Those who believe they must be good can't offer anything to God. They have NOTHING to offer Him and so they are unable to really Worship.

I have no idea why I decided to comment here but this is a topic DEAR to my heart and at the same time... this is a topic that deeply pierces my heart.

Nice write up, another reason I like it here : I quite enjoy the witness and testimony's on here give me food for thought and are often inspiring.

The Bible its self can be a confusing place to find answers. I find especially as my sweet son has said. The Bible is a Book of Books not Quotes.
But what is so very clear and should no be confusing and I think its not. There is a pretty nice list laid out

Is God is very clear in our salvation. You are accepted to be with him because of accepting Christ as Lord, and Savior.
You are a sinner but are repenting your sins, and why you may sin again in this life. The Lord, not the crowd knows your true hearts
desire to be sinless.
Sin is indeed a troubling event we have. Has to be the worst part about being human.

IF you ( Generally speaking to all of us) tell the world you are saved, and go through you baptism, in how ever you believe that.
Praise God in Worship. Does not save you. Praying each day does not either. Trying to be a good person also nope.
All those things if " Genuine " will place you under Judgment and you might make it in.

But you could sin each day in addiction, and pain and yet be saved, because sinning should be difficult in my opinion. If you are indeed have accepted Christ. Then when you sin. You should not be able to just kneel and go Ooops my bad, sorry Jesus. You should feel the need repent because in your heart you know this did not please God. Repenting is what saved you from your past, present and future.

But even though you repent. Praying to God to help remove this sinful act you do, or are addicted to. Now some views vary from denomination.
That believe to Repent a sin and you are good for all time. I think MHO the word is more clear. Repent for past, current, and future since doing so protects you. But this protecting is at the cost of it being in your heart you want God to stop this and remove it from your life. My interpretation is Repenting is great and a must in accepting the Lord as your savior. But if you just go back and repeat the sin over and over, even having accepted Christ. But do not want the sin removed from your life. I think you created a paradox that will place you in Judgement.
In this area of scripture depending on the Bible version people debate. Some feel repent often, repent and pray for help removing sin, Or once saved always saved regardless of the sins repeated.
Again I find it hard to imagine a person that could accept Christ as Lord and Savior ( AMEN JESUS ).
And Repent, yet just go on with life and not feel your heart tearing apart when you sin and do not ask for help from it.
I can not do that, I need his help each day. And have since I can remember there was a God.

When God walked with man, he was perfect. I am not. I can not be. I wish I could be like Jesus, not to be God.
But to know the peace that stayed with him, even when satan tempted him, even when he was tempted or could have thrust hate at others he did not. , but to know that peace is close is resting.
As most know by now in here. I am a pastor. I never felt worthy of it. God did work through my service and touched others.
But I am just a sinner passing along the Good News. As I am getting older B-day just a few days away 62, I feel I failed God.
Because the world seems far worse then when was ordained.

I like being in this group, as a pastor just a simple man, I can not speak for other Clergy or Pastors here.
But I am a broken, twisted car wreck of life. Its sinful, its a struggle every day. But I can sit, and know
that the Lord has his hand on my shoulder leading me when I accept his help. Its often were I didn't want to go
or thought I thought better. I want to remove my Pastoral duties, but God seems to not want me to let go yet.
I am a sinner, and busted up. Yet he wants to use this part of me. So I go. And move for I have faith in the Lord.

Be Blessed

So.... What about those Christians who are going to die and THINK they were GOOD because they kept all the rules?
I tremble when I think of my family... they have lived horrible... hypocritical lives... hidden sin... harshly judging others.
Manipulating and controlling their families with guilt and shame. Covering up sin within their family at all costs??
What does God do with that?? It's a slap across His HOLY FACE to think someone has EARNED their way by
"good behaviour". My family really believes they are BETTER than others. I can't wrap my brain around this... I wonder
if these people will be the ones that God says... I NEVER knew you.
As most know by now in here. I am a pastor. I never felt worthy of it.
BE thankful about that... it has kept you humble.
God did work through my service and touched others.
But I am just a sinner passing along the Good News. As I am getting older B-day just a few days away 62, I feel I failed God.
Because the world seems far worse then when was ordained.
Again.... be thankful that you KNOW your position as a human being that is SAVED by GRACE.
So.... What about those Christians who are going to die and THINK they were GOOD because they kept all the rules?
I tremble when I think of my family... they have lived horrible... hypocritical lives... hidden sin... harshly judging others.
Manipulating and controlling their families with guilt and shame. Covering up sin within their family at all costs??
What does God do with that?? It's a slap across His HOLY FACE to think someone has EARNED their way by
"good behaviour". My family really believes they are BETTER than others. I can't wrap my brain around this... I wonder
if these people will be the ones that God says... I NEVER knew you.

According to scripture I think this is pretty dead on. I never knew you. and tells us so much about how we are looked at.

There is a question that always comes up in this area. If God all knowing. And and knows what we will do.
Then how do we sin. It appears we sin, and he will know that as well. If we deny him that is also known.
So does God know we will fail ? If so why torment us knowing we will fail and never be in his kingdom.
This is that slope that those wanting to just be good people also embrace, in my opinion scripture again is clear.
And does tell us how this is so.

And is why when sometimes people grab quotes without context and it lose its worth. I am guilty of that as well.
I want to share the right passage and ignore the story may not be known to the reader/listener.

God created the Heavens and Earth. So we know clear God does not look at this place we life in the same way.
It amounts to going to the beach, see the sunset. And then think you have observes the whole ocean. You can't
And we can not see the perspective God has, as well he is able to create all of this, from without it. Which tells us,
time is not relative to God. God doesn't time travel. God uses time like we would use a rake in the Garden, and all that was created.
All from outside what we know. Humbling to say the least.

Therefore, we have free will to sin. If we so choose to accept Christ then God knows that too. Even if you once
denied Christ and surely would die. And then were saved. This was known. Because we are locked in time, God is not.

I think the biggest mistake as Christ Followers we all make is that we Live and Die and what we do 100% with our lives is time.
Go here, do that, sleep. Work, worship rinse repeat.
God is out side of this. In fact it is very possible all the people in CFS that have accepted Christ as their savior have already arrived and are with him. This makes allot more logic when we realize that, at no time did God create the heavens and earth. Only at the bigging of time did he create it. And to be with God, according to scripture would have us with him. Out side of all we know here.
This is why Gods words that lead to prophecy are so important, as God sees all. Based on how he is. And where we hope to be.

I am always fascinated by: From nothing, God created matter, and time and the laws that surround the heavens and earth.
You want to see the awesome power God is. Is in MHO look at this vast amazing creation.
God, is more amazing then you and I, or any human can even try and fathom. This is where I draw my faith.
God is not just a higher power greater then myself. God is outside of the power that I observe and created
boundaries that I enjoy faith from. But this is all my understanding can bare to comprehend.

God, you are amazing. Your grace will make me whole. I am broken, and not worthy.
But you gave me a path, a way. I am a sinner and fail you often. But you are with me and keep me safe from myself.
Without you I am in dark ditch by my self, but with you I can be made whole.