Sinning, Is Just To Much Work.

The Ten Commandments are too hard. ( read with levity nut also serious)

1. You shall have no other Gods before me.
Well, honestly the book has been around along time, longer then most realize. Gods word is proven.
Why would I go to chase down a God I don't know? Sounds Like Too Much Work.

2. You should not make idols.
Well being God does not have an idol of his own why would I go and make one for someone else?
Sounds Like Too Much Work.

3. You shall not take the name of the Lord in vain.
I mean if I have free will why it is Gods fault I did something stupid.

4. Remember the Sabbath day keep it Holy.
I'm in, you mean a day I don't have to work and can honor God?
Where is the catch? LOL

5. Honor Your Father and Mother.
I respect my elders, but now I am one. ? OK wait.
So being I did that, and now I am an elder. How can I enforce this on the kids today?
Asking for a Friend.

You shall not Murder. I mean not only is it a sin and Makes God angry.
There is too much work involved in violating this sin. The cops, cover up,
alibies, Nah Sounds Like Too Much Work. I'll just be kind to people and avoid this.

7. You Shall Not Commit Adultery?
Being your significant other might refer to number 6. ( see my post on you sin I sin)
Sounds Like Too Much Work, better to just be faithful and avoid someone having to
get you a final resting place.

8. You shall not steal.
First the guilt in taking what is not yours. You are not just taking and item, you are making someone feel bad.
Besides if I can't afford it, I don't need it. You ever try robbing a Bank?
Buying masks, gloves, getting a get away car, a drive. Finding the bank hours.
Ya Sounds Like Too Much Work.

9. You shall not bear false witness against against your neighbor.
Again, this sin, way to much work, the planning, the gossip the lying.
Sounds Like Too Much Work. Just avoid this sin. I can lie well anyways.

10. You shall not covet.
I have too much going on in my life to worry about who has what.
You have a Lamborghini? Great. Unless you stole it. Happy for you.
Worrying about what other people have and worked for is a waste of time.
And well Sounds Like Too Much Work to spend my days worrying about what others have and I don't.

But I am serious.
God, I love you, you are my stability. Why would I not take that route?
Being on the path with God is allot easier then you realize.
When you Sin, you at once sin again to cover up, like, redirect, blame, and then it just keeps going.
OR you can pick door number one, and avoid having to remember what lie you told last week.

I am ordained but not typical of most, as I dig into these wild ideas and analogies.
Its actually the only way I can share the word is in this way. So please do not take offense God
knows I respect and love him. But I also find levity and analogies in everything all day long.
I could have done, stand up. But I am too lazy and prefer to sit. Besides that all the writing Jokes.
Sounds Like Too Much Work.