So tired of hearing people blaming Hollywood because of annoying toxic fandom (RANT)

Note: not Christian related, and a rant in response to all the stupid backlash behind today’s movies and the lackluster defenses they make.

You might have already seen my previous post of me ranting on nostalgia fanboys. But I want to go even further on this topic by referring to how they blame Hollywood for making “cheap cash-cow knockoffs”. Here we have a bunch of nostalgists whining over how Hollywood doesn’t care about them and how it’s manipulating them using nostalgia to bait them. And when the people behind the Hollywood movies of today are finally getting fed up giving no matter how hard they’re working and call the fans out, the fans get offended and will begin to claim Hollywood is just making up the term toxic fandom to get away with on their fanbase and act disrespectful to their precious childhoods”. Oh boo-hoo, poor fans, it’s all Hollywood’s fault, Hollywood is the prime of all evil shoving political agendas down their throats, have sympathy for the vulnerable fanbase (cue the theme song of Titanic)

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‘Toxic fandom’ or backlash against Woke? | The Spectator Australia

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Fan-baiting: the toxic culture of Hollywood progressives | The Spectator Australia

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Well guess what? Nostalgists have been wrong for over a decade and will always be wrong unless they take off their nostalgia-filtered goggles and come to reality that Hollywood is not as corrupt or manipulative or lazy as they make it up to be. The irony of it all is that most of the sequels and remakes you see lurking in the theaters nowadays exist mainly because of the FANBASE. And not just any ordinary fan, oh no, I’m talking about the ones who won’t stop harassing the crap out of moviemakers to bring back a part of their childhood they missed. A lot of these movies today are being produced much to the dismay of the workers behind them BECAUSE they try to make the fans happy. The main reason why Hollywood so-called half-***ed or ruined people’s childhoods is because the workers are tired of attempting to please these particular fans even though most of the time they will just complain about it anyway.

And guess what? It’s still HOLLYWOOD that takes the blame with spoiled entitled fans who constantly play victim and fail to hold themselves accountable for their actions. These fans will dismiss Hollywood’s way of calling them out as nothing but complaining and having the “either you like this movie or else you’re toxic” mindset. They will claim they work their bums off to get money and buy tickets to see their movies yet they fail to realize the people behind Hollywood are just as human as they are and they’re also working to make a living. In reality however, these fans are the ones who will harass and troll Hollywood’s workers and demanding them to make a good movie. Eventually the movie gets made, only to end up with backlash from these SAME EXACT fans over how their childhood was ruined and Hollywood only cares about money and is disrespectful to the poor fans. Because of the treatment in today’s movie industry, Hollywood’s people are slowly growing poor and even homeless and yet the fanbase gets away with all their rubbish scot-free.

And yet so many toxic fans will constantly defend themselves that they waste their money and EXPECT to get a good movie, or at least a watchable movie, only for them to whine over how they didn’t get what they want and blaming Hollywood for the choices THEY made. But the harsh truth is that they are not entitled to a good movie, they are not entitled to a watchable movie, they are not entitled to ANY movie that exists. Hollywood is just as human as they are, it will make the same mistakes as they have, and bashing the crap of the production company just for having flaws is inexcusable! No movie is flawless, no MEDIA is flawless. Any excuse claiming that a modern movie (at least a reboot) deserves to be criticized for whatever stupid reason is complete grade A bullcrap. It is not Hollywood’s fault that these fans are so obnoxiously entitled and annoying to whatever their little eyes lurk at. These idiots need to learn to leave Hollywood alone and let them take their own time and work however they like to get their projects done, like it SHOULD.

In short, let us watch and like whatever we want and shut up about it. And if you can’t stop complaining about modern movies, do yourself a favor and stop watching them, turn off social media, turn off the tv, and if can’t avoid that, stick to VHS and DVD binge watching of your favorite shows and movies. And don’t even go there with how your life is so miserable and how you are so-called needed to keep the movie industry thriving, I don’t wanna hear it! I hope one day Hollywood will stop listening to these bullies and stick with what they do best. Rant over.
I'm not in the film industry so can't comment. Except I know it takes a lot of money to make a film and its always a gamble whether people will take to it and watch it or not.

Nobody is FORCED to watch a movie. It's entertainment. There are other things you can do. Like read a book!