something wrong with the forum?
Total posts: 88
[9.64% of total / 4.63 posts per day]
Find all posts by cly
Total posts: 107
[11.72% of total / 3.96 posts per day]
Find all posts by lightandhope
I looked on the profile and i am confused. How can cly have 4.63 posts per day when i have clearly posted more than him? Is there something wrong with the system of the forum?
Total posts: 88
[9.64% of total / 4.63 posts per day]
Find all posts by cly
Total posts: 107
[11.72% of total / 3.96 posts per day]
Find all posts by lightandhope
I looked on the profile and i am confused. How can cly have 4.63 posts per day when i have clearly posted more than him? Is there something wrong with the system of the forum?