Sound of silence Couldn’t escape, thought last year was the last time, I’m too old for this, but I’m sat in a field half way up a Welsh mountain/ hill

Sound of silence

Couldn’t escape, thought last year was the last time,
I’m too old for this, but I’m sat in a field half way up a Welsh mountain/ hill at silly o’clock in the morning
The camp is still asleep only sound is the wind whispering through the trees…
Far cry from the hustle and bustle of daily routine
Family camp and junior camp to cook for over the next two weeks
Great fun but hard work
Just hope my legs and back will last the course (the joys of getting old)
Sat here this morning was inspired to pen the following:-

Sound of silence

Woken up by the radio alarm bursting into life disturbed my sleep
Turned over tried, but sleep alluded me
Worldly news and option fill the void between my ears
The cacophony of noise invades my brain
Can’t turn the volume down
Can’t escape
Try to flee the invading thoughts the world dictates,
Frightened of the longed for deafening sound of silence
Yet desperate to escape to that place,
Even if it only in my mind…
That place,
Where silence reigns
There’s nothing,
Nothing except tranquility, quiet,
Peace of mind,
Where reality rules and you learn live,
Learn to know how to…

“Be still…. And know I am God”
I enjoy reading the experience of others camping.
This time of year, Im tan from snoozing on the beach.
The water temp is about 80F/26C.
We do get Carribean blue shades after a hard rain settles,
and its a clear calm enough day to grace us with them.
I usually will go to Topsail Island, for a two day adventure.
I start out early, and like to watch the sun come up.
Some prayer/meditation/stretching are regular activities.
Its cooler that time of morning, so I eat a packed breakfast.
Then I stay on the beach till I have to move due to parking laws.
When I find another area, Im there until I cant see to read.
Thats usually around 8:30pm. I go eat out, sleep in my Jeep,
and start all over again the next day. By 6pm I head home.
Fried, sun dried, and ready to sleep soundly, too.
Funny thing is I only live 35 minutes from the beach.

...but my laser blue Jeep and I are ready for a road trip.
Maybe Clearwater in September? Still saving gas money...
I enjoy reading the experience of others camping.
This time of year, Im tan from snoozing on the beach.
The water temp is about 80F/26C.
We do get Carribean blue shades after a hard rain settles,
and its a clear calm enough day to grace us with them.
I usually will go to Topsail Island, for a two day adventure.
I start out early, and like to watch the sun come up.
Some prayer/meditation/stretching are regular activities.
Its cooler that time of morning, so I eat a packed breakfast.
Then I stay on the beach till I have to move due to parking laws.
When I find another area, Im there until I cant see to read.
Thats usually around 8:30pm. I go eat out, sleep in my Jeep,
and start all over again the next day. By 6pm I head home.
Fried, sun dried, and ready to sleep soundly, too.
Funny thing is I only live 35 minutes from the beach.

...but my laser blue Jeep and I are ready for a road trip.
Maybe Clearwater in September? Still saving gas money...

Hello thenami;
When you mentioned Caribbean blue shades, is that when the ocean looks aqua or turquoise and clear?
I love that color and have yet to experience that part of the ocean.

God bless you, sister. 😎👍