spirit, soul and body

divide the spirit, soul and body in your own words
Here is my current working hypothesis.

The body is fashioned from the clay of the earth, it is temporal, it of this world and must stay in this world and eventually return to the earth.

The soul, or psyche, is my mind and it is temporal or mortal. For better or worse, it is mine while I am of the earth but it ceases to be when my body dies.

The Spirit is not of the earth, it’s not body or the mind. It is Divine and was given unto me by God, it belongs to the Lord and goes when and where the Lord God wills.
This is what is coming to my mind:

Body - physical structure, temporary living organism composed of parts and organs working together with specific functions. 🧬

Soul - non physical structure part of a human being including mood, attitude, character, personality, emotions. 🎭

Spirit - immaterial, non physical and immortal part of human being that will last forever. 🕊️

what are the 3 stages of sanctification and what is sanctification

we know paul wrote to the thess church sanctify you completely spirit soul body

i realize to some this boring but in realty this is part of our growth by strong meat
1. Hebrews 4:12 reveals we are made up of spirit, soul, and flesh (of the joints and marrow).

2. Ecclesiastes 12:5-7 reveals if our "silver cord" is severed, then our flesh goes back to the earthly elements where it came from, and our spirit goes back to God Who gave it. Evidently, the "silver cord" is something keeps our spirit together with our flesh while alive on earth.

3. In 1 Kings 17, the soul of the child left the flesh body, and then returned to the flesh body once Elijah prayed to God to return the child's soul. This suggests the soul also... goes back to God at death of our flesh. That suggests both soul & spirit together.

4. In Matthew 10:28, Jesus said to not fear those who kill our flesh body, but not our soul, but to fear Him Who can destroy both body and soul in the "lake of fire".

5. In 2 Corinthians 5, Paul showed that if our flesh were dissolved, we have... in the 'present' tense, also another body from God, not made with hands (i.e., not flesh), eternal in the heavens. Paul is pointing to our spiritual body that dwells inside our flesh body, and like Eccl.12 says, is loosed at flesh death.

6. In 1 Corinthians 15, Apostle Paul taught that flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God, nor does 'corruption' (flesh) inherit 'incorruption' (spiritual body). It's because they are two separate operations, which I like to call dimensions. Paul said there is (i.e., present tense), a "natural body" (flesh) and there is (present tense) a "spiritual body". We already have both dwelling together while on this earth. Our spiritual body simply is not manifested until our flesh dies, or, on the "last trump" we put off our flesh.

7. In 2 Corinthians 12, Paul spoke of one that was once "caught up" to the "third heaven", and whether in the body, and out of the body, he didn't know, but that God knew. Paul at one time had been stoned and left for dead (Acts 14). So I believe Paul was speaking of himself, and had a near-death experience (NDE), his "silver cord" not being severed, thus he did not die.

8. Per Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:53-54, we must go through 2 'changes' to have eternal life in Christ Jesus. This 'corruptible' (flesh) must put on 'incorruption' (spiritual body), AND... "this mortal" (soul) must put on 'immortality'. Paul used 4 different Greek words with 4 different meanings there, not two.

"incorruptible" (Greek phthartos = decayed, perishable)
"incorruption" (Greek aphthrsia = unending existence)
"this mortal" (Greek thnetos = liable to die)
"immortality" (Greek athanasia = deathlessness)

Only those in Christ Jesus after His return will have souls that have put on immortality, and thus never subject to the "second death" of the "lake of fire". These represent the "resurrection of life" through Faith on Jesus Christ.

The wicked dead after Christ's return will STILL have mortal souls that are 'liable to die' (thnetos) at the "second death". This is the "resurrection of condemnation".

ALL... will be 'changed' to the "spiritual body" type, for it is only about the outward "image of the heavenly", and does not mean automatic salvation.

Thus the "spiritual body" is a vehicle for our soul in the heavenly dimension. That body type is what Paul also called the "image of the heavenly" which he said we all shall also bear (1 Corinthians 15:48-49)
