

STOP! said the Cheshire Cat*
Grinning from ear to ear,
Your season has come to an end
There are saints waiting in the wings,
You’ve run your leg and it’s time
To hand the batten on,
Why rob others of blessings
Just trying to cling on?
With hand full of yesterday’s chores, how can you receive the things Gods has for you?
The cat began to fade away til only the smile was left
It was then I realised
This vision, or was it a dream,
Was telling me to slow down, quit!
As others need to be running the next leg
As for me, I’ll withdraw gracefully
And as Moses did, pray for the battle from the hill top.

TIL only my smile remains
TIL I see Jesus face to face!

*Cheshire cat, the image taken from ‘Alice in Wonderland’


STOP! said the Cheshire Cat*
Grinning from ear to ear,
Your season has come to an end
There are saints waiting in the wings,
You’ve run your leg and it’s time
To hand the batten on,
Why rob others of blessings
Just trying to cling on?
With hand full of yesterday’s chores, how can you receive the things Gods has for you?
The cat began to fade away til only the smile was left
It was then I realised
This vision, or was it a dream,
Was telling me to slow down, quit!
As others need to be running the next leg
As for me, I’ll withdraw gracefully
And as Moses did, pray for the battle from the hill top.

TIL only my smile remains
TIL I see Jesus face to face!

*Cheshire cat, the image taken from ‘Alice in Wonderland’
That's one of the problems with aging--at some point, we have to turn things over to the young'uns, and that's tough because we know how to do things so much better. However, we learned what we know from our mistakes, and we owe it to them to give them their shot at making their own mistakes.