Street debate with evangelical (GRACE ALONE!!) woman about doctrine 04 Aug 23 (audio)

The lady was rather astute. But to the question ( By grace and faith alone are you saved.) in regards to faith being some sort of effort from within ourselves. She should have asked the gentleman the question. From whence does faith come in order to believe . That would have helped. The Bible is clear. All faith does come from God
Good morning, everyone;

I could give my constructive comments on the woman and man's conversation but God blessed them with initiative and diligent evangelism which trumps my opinion.

There is a decline in street evangelism in these times. But the few who continue sharing Christ the better they get at approaching others.

What matters is this woman and man talked Jesus out in the community in itself is a blessing. God could use them to reach other's ears.

God bless you, reasonmantle, and thank you for sharing.
There is a decline in street evangelism in these times. But the few who continue sharing Christ the better they get at approaching others.
I was finally able to hear it through. There was a lot of background noise due to traffic, but to me it sounded more like a discussion between two ex-catholics (at one time discussing Paul's thorn in the flesh & faith/works in James) rather than street witnessing.
I remember street evangelism in the early '70's where the 'Jesus People' wanted to introduce lost persons to Jesus.
Sadly you're right, there is a decline in street evangelism, as a matter of fact it is practically non existent. I wonder if we can blame-shift that one on the internet?
I was finally able to hear it through. There was a lot of background noise due to traffic, but to me it sounded more like a discussion between two ex-catholics (at one time discussing Paul's thorn in the flesh & faith/works in James) rather than street witnessing. I remember street evangelism in the early '70's where the 'Jesus People' wanted to introduce lost persons to Jesus. Sadly you're right, there is a decline in street evangelism, as a matter of fact it is practically non existent. I wonder if we can blame-shift that one on the internet?

Hey crossnote;

I remember being approached in the 70's by the Jesus People as a teen. I didn't know the difference between biblical terms but remember hearing the words love, sin, forgiveness, trust, blessed, peace, etc...I don't remember what happened after being confronted but I thought it was cool.

Christianity on the internet has had it's shifts and we've all made the necessary adjustments to share Christ. I find myself texting more to others who prefer that over a phone call.

God bless
you, crossnote.

We occasionally see Street Evangelism in the centre of Manchester, but nowhere near as much as we used to.
We occasionally see Street Evangelism in the centre of Manchester, but nowhere near as much as we used to.

Good morning, Cosia;

I shared with you before that we lived in Huntingdon and Hartford when I was a boy. This is south of Manchester. Are you in Manchester or Greater Manchester's larger population? I remember GM had all the historical buildings.

To give everyone an idea of where we evangelized in San Francisco and Daly City (a bedroom community of SF.) We used to go as a team of 20 and break in 4's or 5's. If you look closely at the bottom photo of Daly City you'll see a radio tower. Our house is right below in that area.

That's a lot of ground to cover. Most of the people don't know Jesus is very diverse in the Bay Area. But it's very challenging because with that come many religions, cults, liberals, atheists, etc...

It's a tough crowd but that doesn't thwart God's plan of bringing one more person to Christ in a day's work. God can do great things with one or more new believer for the Kingdom.

God bless you, Cosia.

I remember being approached in the 70's by the Jesus People as a teen. I didn't know the difference between biblical terms but remember hearing the words love, sin, forgiveness, trust, blessed, peace, etc...I don't remember what happened after being confronted but I thought it was cool.
But it's very challenging because with that come many religions, cults, liberals, atheists, etc...

Back then, us unbelievers thought we were pretty smart to those 'Jesus freaks'. I remember being in Spokane and some of those witnessing for Jesus were doing so in the guise of giving interviiews. We weren't without our paranoia though, as one of my unbelieving friend acquaintance said, "Beware of those Jesus Freaks running around giving interviews 'cause they are underground narcs asking questions"

So when one came up to me, I was 'ready' lol, After a couple of preliminary questions, he asked, "So, what would you consider the most important question in the world?" Having remembered the narc rumor, I snarkily replied, "Why do people run around asking stupid questions like 'what would you consider the most important question in the world?'"

So ya, that time period was quite challenging, even for us unbelievers at the time, lol.
Good morning, Cosia;

I shared with you before that we lived in Huntingdon and Hartford when I was a boy. This is south of Manchester. Are you in Manchester or Greater Manchester's larger population? I remember GM had all the historical buildings.

To give everyone an idea of where we evangelized in San Francisco and Daly City (a bedroom community of SF.) We used to go as a team of 20 and break in 4's or 5's. If you look closely at the bottom photo of Daly City you'll see a radio tower. Our house is right below in that area.

That's a lot of ground to cover. Most of the people don't know Jesus is very diverse in the Bay Area. But it's very challenging because with that come many religions, cults, liberals, atheists, etc...

It's a tough crowd but that doesn't thwart God's plan of bringing one more person to Christ in a day's work. God can do great things with one or more new believer for the Kingdom.

God bless you, Cosia.

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Hi bobinfaith
I live in south Manchester, a suburb which has always been part of Manchester itself. Greater Manchester grows bigger and bigger.

From your photo, Bob, that looks a very built up area, (as Manchester is too), but probably has some nice parkland too, like we have. But we are not on the coast line. We have a few rivers, though, and streams.

We used to have tent missions too, but they seem to have disappeared.

We also had evangelist series that lasted for weeks. They were held in large buildings. I miss all those.

Different churches still hand out leaflets.

God Bless Bob and Hazel.
hay crossnote you mentioned (Spokane) is that Spokane in washington and if so there was a family of preachers I used to watch from there on YouTube their channels called "fear God and keep his commandments" I don't know if their still around have you herd of them?
hay crossnote you mentioned (Spokane) is that Spokane in washington and if so there was a family of preachers I used to watch from there on YouTube their channels called "fear God and keep his commandments" I don't know if their still around have you herd of them?
HI reasonmantle, I never heard of them especially in my unbelieving days (circa 1972), lol, there was no YouTube back then, but yes it was Spokane in N.E. Washington.

p.s it looks like they still may be present on Y.T.