Street debate with evangelical (GRACE ALONE!!) woman about doctrine Part 3 04 Aug 23 (audio)

Highly problematic the lady be contending with a man who holds to charismatic doctrine. They not be so big on the security of the believer. There always be the works based salvation to contend with. Whether claiming that Christians can be demon possessed or how spiritual you really are if your not speak in tongues. And of course the question of living as holy as you can in order to keep your salvation. I’ve met such people on the street myself . After a few minutes I’m generally polite than I keep walking down the street. Be careful of who you chat with on the street corner I guess.
Highly problematic the lady be contending with a man who holds to charismatic doctrine. They not be so big on the security of the believer. There always be the works based salvation to contend with. Whether claiming that Christians can be demon possessed or how spiritual you really are if your not speak in tongues. And of course the question of living as holy as you can in order to keep your salvation. I’ve met such people on the street myself . After a few minutes I’m generally polite than I keep walking down the street. Be careful of who you chat with on the street corner I guess.

Good morning, Prim90;

I wasn’t going to give my constructive comments. I appreciate the sister and brother discussing Jesus. But since you opened it up I’m going to add.

The woman made a remark using the expression, “well, my Church believes it this way” from a previous recording already creates a divide.
As the conversation progressed from part 1 to 3 she is becoming more authoritative without having a listening view to the brother who has a calm spirit and tone in his understanding of Scripture.

I also have to agree whether this was really evangelism to those who don’t know Christ versus a one on one conversation.
Still, anytime we discuss Jesus is healthy but knowing our Scriptures, staying within the verb, and having a listening ear, disciplines are needed. When we’re street evangelizing or discussing Jesus on a corner others may be listening, so we need to be careful and know our apologetics.

God bless you, Prim90, and thank you for sharing.
Good morning, Prim90;

I wasn’t going to give my constructive comments. I appreciate the sister and brother discussing Jesus. But since you opened it up I’m going to add.

The woman made a remark using the expression, “well, my Church believes it this way” from a previous recording already creates a divide.
As the conversation progressed from part 1 to 3 she is becoming more authoritative without having a listening view to the brother who has a calm spirit and tone in his understanding of Scripture.

I also have to agree whether this was really evangelism to those who don’t know Christ versus a one on one conversation.
Still, anytime we discuss Jesus is healthy but knowing our Scriptures, staying within the verb, and having a listening ear, disciplines are needed. When we’re street evangelizing or discussing Jesus on a corner others may be listening, so we need to be careful and know our apologetics.

God bless you, Prim90, and thank you for sharing.
Bob the great divide be much good . The lady in question does well to hold her ground. She had every right to become more authoritative when basic Christian fundamentals are brought into question. A little hard to hear on the ear with much traffic in the background. As to the gentleman being more calm that still doesn’t make him right. Perhaps just a more patient Fox : )
Bob the great divide be much good . The lady in question does well to hold her ground. She had every right to become more authoritative when basic Christian fundamentals are brought into question. A little hard to hear on the ear with much traffic in the background. As to the gentleman being more calm that still doesn’t make him right. Perhaps just a more patient Fox : )

Good morning, Prim90;

The great divide is a “major statement” but as you shared if the sister holds her understanding of Scripture and arriving at a common ground with the brother whom she was conversing Jesus.

It’s not about winning the argument, Prim90.

You feel she did hold her ground but the brother was also sharing his understanding as well. As you stated earlier in part 3 from your “observance” of their conversation you would then politely walk on, which would be correct.

I do have a question for the author of this thread. Reasonmantle, what was the purpose of this audio recording? Is that you in the conversation? What are your thoughts?

God bless everyone.
Good morning, Prim90;

The great divide is a “major statement” but as you shared if the sister holds her understanding of Scripture and arriving at a common ground with the brother whom she was conversing Jesus.

It’s not about winning the argument, Prim90.

You feel she did hold her ground but the brother was also sharing his understanding as well. As you stated earlier in part 3 from your “observance” of their conversation you would then politely walk on, which would be correct.

I do have a question for the author of this thread. Reasonmantle, what was the purpose of this audio recording? Is that you in the conversation? What are your thoughts?

God bless everyone.
Bob the great divide I mention you say be major a statement. Perhaps it is. So tell me what was the lady to do. Nod in agreement with everything the gentleman said. Like Christian’s can be demon possessed. And there also be the claim of the heavenly language mentioned also that makes you more spiritual to those who don’t speak the prayer language And of course there be the matter of can a Christian lose their salvation of which the gentleman assures us we can. As to me politely walking away. Yes me may just walk up the street to part 4 and 5 of the audio : ) though not sure I will as yet. As to your reply it not always about winning the argument. Bob I would say to that sometimes yes it is. And sometimes no. Depending on the doctrinal issues being discussed.
Bob the great divide I mention you say be major a statement. Perhaps it is. So tell me what was the lady to do. Nod in agreement with everything the gentleman said. Like Christian’s can be demon possessed. And there also be the claim of the heavenly language mentioned also that makes you more spiritual to those who don’t speak the prayer language And of course there be the matter of can a Christian lose their salvation of which the gentleman assures us we can. As to me politely walking away. Yes me may just walk up the street to part 4 and 5 of the audio : ) though not sure I will as yet. As to your reply it not always about winning the argument. Bob I would say to that sometimes yes it is. And sometimes no. Depending on the doctrinal issues being discussed.

Good morning, Prim90;

Like I said, I’m not going to post constructively regarding the sister and brother’s understanding of the Scriptures.

What should the woman have done? Who said anything about the sister? Nodding in agreement with everything the brother said is patronizing. Again, who said anything about the brother?

What I’ve have been referring is both of them. How encouraging that they spent 30 minutes during audios 1 - 6 “discussing Jesus” which is very good for building up. The more we do this the better we’re prepared to witness the Gospel especially with persons who don’t know Jesus.

After these conversations it’s good to research what the Scripture says but also the teaching about its application in our lives. The language used whether a lack of Biblical terminology, its good to use the best words to articulate within each one’s capacity. As we grow in our knowledge of the Scriptures we will develop and understand the better use of words and their meaning.

The English language still remains a beautiful language, yet complicated to learn even for English speaking persons.

The only time winning the argument as you believe at times, is beneficial only for listening ears and open to correction. I have found myself many times in this situation but regard this a blessing whether the Bible or everyday life.

This sister and brother maintained a civil conversation and if I was standing there listening while enjoying my tea and crumpets I might be encouraged to jump in and share. But if the talk Jesus turns combative until someone wins the argument would lead me to quietly walk away.

God bless you, Prim90.