Studying - Colossians [Discipleship]


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In Chapter 2 of Colossians. I am putting Leviticus on a slow pause for now.

I am very interested in discipleship. We don't see that anywhere within the church anymore. The intimacy between followers of Christ and ministers/teachers.

The word disciple is found more than 260 times in the Gospels and Acts, and the verb translated “to learn as a disciple” is found twenty-five times in the New Testament. In that day, a disciple was not simply a person who sat and listened to a teacher. He was someone who lived with the teacher and who learned by listening, looking, and living. Discipleship involved more than enrolling in a school and attending lectures. It meant total surrender to the teacher. It meant learning by living. Perhaps our modern-day medical students or trade apprentices come close to illustrating the meaning of discipleship. But we who disciple other believers must be careful not to get in the way. We are not to make disciples for ourselves, but for Jesus Christ. We must relate people to Him.

I long for the day when we can truly experience this not just a "membership ideology" within a building of a church.

I am definitely enjoying Colossians how Epaphras was a faithful minister. He not only won people to Christ, but he taught them the Word and helped them to grow. He also prayed for them (Col. 4:12–13) that they might become mature in Jesus Christ. When danger threatened the members of the church, Epaphras went to Rome to get counsel from Paul. He loved his people and wanted to protect them from false doctrines that would destroy the fellowship and hinder their spiritual development.

I cannot wait to study more of Colossians. Definitely so important to live it, listen and constantly be teaching it [which I do daily with my own daughters]. Perhaps one day more people can be in our fellowship physically too.
Hello TransformedinChrist;

I also enjoy studying Colossians and see how Epaphras, Tychicus, Paul, Timothy, Mark, Onesimus and Aristarchus all stepped up to help in this Great Commission.

Colossians 2:9-10, 9 For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; 10 and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power. - NKJV

Evangelism (Godhead bodily) and True Gospel teaching brought about the breakdown of false teaching in the new Colossian Church.

Epaphras was responsible for helping found, if not founded the Church in Colossae. He was an anointed evangelist. We still have "Epaphras" missions who continue to evangelize around the world. It is true that this ministry has waned but God's servants are still out there in Asia, the Middle East, Europe, the Africas, Central America, Down Under and so on.

More missions and evangelists have been sent to the United States, Canada and Mexico where the Christian faith has declined whereas Christianity has increased in Romania and Ukraine.

"I also long for the day when we can truly experience this not just a "membership ideology" within a building of a church." - quote TransformedinChrist

I also long for the day but right now, today, what measures can we / I take?

God bless
you, sister.
Hello TransformedinChrist;

I also enjoy studying Colossians and see how Epaphras, Tychicus, Paul, Timothy, Mark, Onesimus and Aristarchus all stepped up to help in this Great Commission.

Colossians 2:9-10, 9 For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; 10 and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power. - NKJV

Evangelism (Godhead bodily) and True Gospel teaching brought about the breakdown of false teaching in the new Colossian Church.

Epaphras was responsible for helping found, if not founded the Church in Colossae. He was an anointed evangelist. We still have "Epaphras" missions who continue to evangelize around the world. It is true that this ministry has waned but God's servants are still out there in Asia, the Middle East, Europe, the Africas, Central America, Down Under and so on.

More missions and evangelists have been sent to the United States, Canada and Mexico where the Christian faith has declined whereas Christianity has increased in Romania and Ukraine.

"I also long for the day when we can truly experience this not just a "membership ideology" within a building of a church." - quote TransformedinChrist

I also long for the day but right now, today, what measures can we / I take?

God bless
you, sister.
I would love to start an at home fellowship and discipleship group but women can't really do that. I don't think we are equipped as men to fulfill that role.

For now contiune to reach my daughters, follow His Word, reach out to the community [shine the love of Christ in our action, words, deeds and motives].
In Chapter 2 of Colossians. I am putting Leviticus on a slow pause for now.
I find some of the most astounding verses in all Scripture in chapter 2 of Colossians.

Colossians 2:3,9,10 KJV
[3] In whom (Christ), are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
[9] For in him (Christ), dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily.
[10] And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:
Love that scripture. It will help end a horrible debate about the Trinity I am having in another place.
Sometimes things happen at the right time, and in the right place, when the Lord's people are guided by the Holy Spirit. God bless.

Hello Robin;

Many times the "debate" about the Trinity happens amongst "Believers and Believers" who both love and worship our True God. Why is this? Its not to cause intentional divisiveness but to understand while one believer believes and accepts the Triune, it doesn't sink in with the other believer who is still trying to reconcile Father, Son and Holy Spirit as Three Persons = One Godhead.

We should be more sensitive to each other with Old Testament Theology and New Testament Christology, just as many believers may understand our personal struggles in our disciple learning.

When we study
Colossians 2 we can see the Trinity is at work in the context of the mystery of God, Christ and the Spiritual fullness in Christ.

Those who personally believe and live the Trinity doesn't mean we've accomplished this teaching and are on our way.
Far from it!

God's Trinity is not to be understood lightly, but we must start and prayerfully choose to trust, believe and live daily with our Father in Heaven which is the more important goal in our relationship. God will do His part to reveal more about the Three In One throughout Scripture and in our continued study of His Word.

God bless you, Robin, and your family.
There's a word in season if ever there was one. :)
I guess you know all about it?

Hello Robin;

It's amazing. I am blessed to know as much as I can remember, all about those God sent my way. As a boy I attended a private English school in Hartford, England. Every morning the class assembly would gather in the morning as the Headmaster prayed.

As I opened my eyes to peek at the other students praying, a classmate looked me peeking (lol!) and later told me when we're at Church it's like one big prayer. We were only 7 years old and what she said stayed with me 59 years later.

I scratch thy head. Why would I remember that from so many years ago? God meant for that scenario. Jesus carried me. The Holy Spirit indwelt my heart to always remember that morning.

God bless
you always, Robin.