Thank you so much for your support, you guys are awesome.
I already talked about bullying (the subject was 'Jesus and the Youth') but it's a good idea, thank you for posting it.
I still have two more lessons to prepare and I've already chosen the subjects: the Holy Spirit (May 19) and Christian groups & movements (June 2). May 26 is a national holiday here, I don't have to worry about that one.
The lesson on Christian movements is almost ready, I still need ideas for the lesson on the Holy Spirit.
Thanks in advance!
Jottings only:-
If these young people have already come to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour, then they have the New Nature imparted to them, which is of the Spirit. So teaching concerning the work of the Holy Spirit would be really helpful.
Their very salvation was a work of the Holy Spirit, and their growth is also His work.
The Word of God is the means that He uses to enable us to live God's way, so it is essential that they become acquainted with it, read it for themselves, and learn to rightly divide it (2 Timothy 2:15). To be able to read the address on the envelope, and identify what is not only for their learning, but also what is
about them as believers in this dispensation.
The armour that God has provided, which includes the Sword of the Spirit (
the Word of God), would be a good place to start.
An awareness of the the new nature also, which is of the Spirit, and by which the Holy Spirit works within us, is also necessary.
The conflict that takes place between the old and new nature is also vital knowledge, for it is the one visible proof we have of the fact that we are indeed children of God. For there would be no conflict if all we had was the nature we were born with, the old nature.
The knowledge also that the Child of God is indeed, in the eyes of God, 'C
omplete' and
'Accepted in the Beloved', and '
Holy and without blame' in the eyes of God, in Christ, is also good to stress, for they will see their own failure on a daily basis, and they need to know that they have been forgiven for all their sins, and that nothing can separate them from the Love of God, which is in Christ Jesus. That to say that we are without sin is untrue, but that if we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
All of these things are part of the Holy Spirit's work within, for He convicts of sin and of righteousness, and exposes the thoughts and intents of the heart.
The fact is that the work that He has begun in these young people, in Christ, He will continue to do, until the day of Christ. They can have full assurance of that fact.
These are just my thoughts, Flavio, forgive me for making it so long.
May the Lord lead you and direct you, as you prepare your lessons, so that these young people, who know Christ as their Saviour, will be fully equipped for the life of faith they are embarked upon. For those who have yet to know Him as their Saviour, may they be given eyes to see and ears to hear, and hearts to believe and receive the salvation that is offered to them in Christ Jesus.
In Christ Jesus