Swatting Flies

I read a report someone sent in on their auto insurance claim.
"I hit the pole trying to kill the fly on my windshield."
I'd say that driver should have stayed on course - perhaps opening a window would have solved the problem.
I read a report someone sent in on their auto insurance claim.
"I hit the pole trying to kill the fly on my windshield."
I'd say that driver should have stayed on course - perhaps opening a window would have solved the problem.
There'd be times driving my truck when I'd have a wasp sitting on the back inside window. I'd have to quickly pull over and exit stage left. lol
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Some 30 years ago I had the privilege of having an extended stay in the deserts of central Saudi Arabia where the national bird appeared to be the ankle-biting fly. I learned quickly the futility of fly-swatting. The best way to deal with flies is to ignore them and tune them out.
Some 30 years ago I had the privilege of having an extended stay in the deserts of central Saudi Arabia where the national bird appeared to be the ankle-biting fly. I learned quickly the futility of fly-swatting. The best way to deal with flies is to ignore them and tune them out.
Very funny and useful but the actual metaphor of flies points to the nuisance of small lies that inevitably come our way.
Maybe we should ignore them too?