Teachable Moment

This morning my daughters were having a tension talk about my dog's new raw food.

We have our supplier but it's a similar yet different brand. My dog has EPI and it is excellently managed. He cannot have kibble so he has raw with B12 shots weekly.

Now oldest was explaing to mix the 2 in portion so we can gradually see how he does. The other raw mix he's been on since he was 10 months old [after undergoing many vet tests, procedures, went to OVC in Guelph where specialists and top vets were trying to save his life]. He could have died from massive organ failure. His pancreas doesn't work.

So my youngest was quite rude, abrasive and hot-headed with my oldest. My oldest came to me and discussed what happened as it pertained to my service dog.

I gently but firmly told my youngest since you don't remember and have a hard time understanding consequences Hope (my oldest) was showing you. My youngest was like I just wanted to do it, she just had to "tell me." I explained we have told you and you have come back doing things improperly and have said I didn't know how to do it because no one showed me.

I contiuned to use the moment as a teachable moment. I explained if you have a bad attitude you need to go to your room and take a moment instead of being rude etc. I explained Hope was trying to help and when she gets angry like that it isn't helpful. Especially when she's been at the hospital with me all day yesterday through my treatments.

After listening, my youngest apologized. We both said we forgive her but let this be a lesson. Think about your attitude, words, your thoughts, motives and behaviors [ofcourse examine if they are glorifying to God and align with His Word] this goes without saying in our Christian Spirit filled home.

My oldest came and said Mom you did so good. Perfect! She came and hugged me. She goes even you who are struggling so much, peeing in a bed pan in my recliner [my body is so super hyper sensitive right now to movement due to the tremendous work it has to absorb the meds].... yet you still are so wise.

As I have mentioned before it is not just out there but in our families we can be the witness of Christ. Testifying His Word by our actions. How we live and approach all situations and experiences.

I just wanted to share this moment with you.