I want to give Almighty God the Glory, Honour and Praise and acknowledge Him as my Jehovah Rapha. In mid February this year I went for surgery to my Hip and the surgery was a success.. Thank You Jesus!
This is my 6th week of recovery and I have to admit that straight after coming home from the hospital my Faith was really tested and I went into lamentations with Almighty God as I was way too hasty in thinking the state I was in was the overall outcome of the surgery. I was so afraid, upset and complained to the Lord why did He take me through the operation if He knew I was going to be worse off than before the op. I'm embarrassed to even think back at how much I grumbled about the state I perceived myself to be in. I thought the operation had damaged my walk as opposed to making it better (I was born with a Childhood hip condition; Perthes) as I got older it got worse; Hip coming out of it's socket, ligaments etc tearing away from the bone, all sorts of stuff) and last year I really acknowledged that I needed to address the issue. Well as I say 6 weeks into the recovery I acknowledge that my walk is getting better . I'm still using 1 crutch to walk but yesterday while in the supermarket and today I have been taking my time to walk and the 'John Wayne' walk is reducing day by day. To God be the Glory I am yet to start Physiotherapy but I am so grateful and so sorry Lord that I was impatient and went into a rant and allowed fear to cloud my judgment in trusting You. I should of tightened my armour but I realise this was also part of the developing of my Faith.
So Father, thank You so very much indeed for Your Love, tender Mercies, Grace, Healing, Hope, Precious Blood of my lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To You be all the Glory. Amen
This is my 6th week of recovery and I have to admit that straight after coming home from the hospital my Faith was really tested and I went into lamentations with Almighty God as I was way too hasty in thinking the state I was in was the overall outcome of the surgery. I was so afraid, upset and complained to the Lord why did He take me through the operation if He knew I was going to be worse off than before the op. I'm embarrassed to even think back at how much I grumbled about the state I perceived myself to be in. I thought the operation had damaged my walk as opposed to making it better (I was born with a Childhood hip condition; Perthes) as I got older it got worse; Hip coming out of it's socket, ligaments etc tearing away from the bone, all sorts of stuff) and last year I really acknowledged that I needed to address the issue. Well as I say 6 weeks into the recovery I acknowledge that my walk is getting better . I'm still using 1 crutch to walk but yesterday while in the supermarket and today I have been taking my time to walk and the 'John Wayne' walk is reducing day by day. To God be the Glory I am yet to start Physiotherapy but I am so grateful and so sorry Lord that I was impatient and went into a rant and allowed fear to cloud my judgment in trusting You. I should of tightened my armour but I realise this was also part of the developing of my Faith.
So Father, thank You so very much indeed for Your Love, tender Mercies, Grace, Healing, Hope, Precious Blood of my lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To You be all the Glory. Amen