If you want the feel good version of it, then yes, by all means. Go to a priviledged school. Go to a priviledged college. Get on with a large corpration. Go to a feel good church like Joel Osteen's. Get indoctrinated with feel good, trendy theology. Then put your blinders on and work real hard til you retire.
I've seen both sides. I've been poor. I've had "success". It's the idea of the american dream that is good. The reality of it is akin to a hollywood movie set. Don't look too deep and you'll be fine.
Privileged school. Missed that one.
Actually, I worked nights to go to a city college, followed by an Air force hitch. Helped the chaplain's office in my spare time. It wasn't even an Air Force chaplain.
Never got my degree, but I kept studying. learning skills for where I wanted to be a couple of years hence.
My service was useful landing a job with a large corp. I can tell you they were not giving out anything.
Did change firms a couple of times. More for interesting/challenging work than for $.
I was a cub scout leader for a couple of years, trying to help my sons and those of my neighbor's learn some values.
Lots of night school. More community & christian service.
Feel good luke-warm Christianity? I have had the privilege to be part of congregations that prepare and challenge each member to work hard and put faith into practice and overcome the enemy's opposition.
When the economy went down in 2009, my job went with it. No Hard feelings, the project was coming to a close anyway. If I were the project mgr, I would have chosen the position I was released from to eliminate; but it was really bad timing for me. Age 56 non degreed software engineer at a time when everything was being cut. My old company kept calling me to advise the person who took my responsibilities, and to ask recommendations for defining requirements for the new replacement system.
Looked for work, unsuccessful in that environment.
Started volunteering at the hospital & food bamk. (Continued looking for work).
I got an offer the week I was diagnosed with Cancer. Chemo followed by surgery, the job couldn't wait.
I now volunteer helping others that have had my kind of surgery.
The American dream is not about getting ahead. It is about overcoming difficulties and supporting the community. It
is about being able to work through the difficulties. It is not about getting ahead, but if you are diligent, you can gain a good reputation for yourself and your Lord. You can trust on His providamce.
Sorry for the bad formatting, I am away from home and using a little tablet rather than my desk computer.