Archive THE BIBLE - Verse by Verse (Jeremiah Chapter 1 to 52)

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Jeremiah 8:14 (NLT)
"Then the people will say,
" Why should we wait here to die?
Come, let's go to the fortified towns and die there.
For the LORD our God has decreed our destruction
and given us a cup of poison to drink
because we sinned against the LORD.
Jeremiah 8:16 (NLT) - 16 “The snorting of the enemies’ warhorses can be heard all the way from the land of Dan in the north! The neighing of their stallions makes the whole land tremble. They are coming to devour the land and everything in it—cities and people alike.
Jeremiah 8:17 (NLT) - 17 I will send these enemy troops among you like poisonous snakes you cannot charm. They will bite you, and you will die. I, the Lord, have spoken!”
Jeremiah 8:18-19 (NLT) -
18 My grief is beyond healing;my heart is broken.
19 Listen to the weeping of my people; it can be heard all across the land. “Has the Lord abandoned Jerusalem? ” the people ask. “Is her King no longer there?” “Oh, why have they provoked my anger with their carved idols and their worthless foreign gods?” says the Lord.
Jeremiah 8:20 (NLT) - 20 “The harvest is finished, and the summer is gone,” the people cry, “yet we are not saved!”
Jeremiah 8:22 (NLT) - 22 Is there no medicine in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why is there no healing for the wounds of my people?
Jeremiah 9:1 (NLT) - 1 If only my head were a pool of water and my eyes a fountain of tears, I would weep day and night for all my people who have been slaughtered.
Jeremiah 9:2 (NLT) - 2 Oh, that I could go away and forget my people and live in a travelers’ shack in the desert. For they are all adulterers—a pack of treacherous liars.
Jeremiah 9:3 (NLT)
"My people bend their tongues like bows to shoot out lies.
They refuse to stand up for the truth.
They only go from bad to worse.
They don't know me."
Says the LORD.
Jeremiah 9:4 (NLT)
"Beware of your neighbor!
Don't even trust your brother!
For brother takes advantage of brother,
and friend slanders friend.
Jeremiah 9:5 (NLT)
They all fool and defraud each other,
No one tells the truth.
With practiced tongues they tell lies;
They wear themselves out with their sinning.
Jeremiah :9:7 (NLT)
Therefore, this is what the LORD of Heaven's Armies says:
See I will melt them down in a crucible
and test them like metal.
What else can I do with my people?
Jeremiah 9:8 (NLT)
For their tongues shout lies like poisoned arrows.
They speak friendly words to their neighbors
While scheming in their hearts to kill them.
Jeremiah 9:9 (NLT)
Should I not punish them for this?" says the LORD.
Should I not avenge myself against such a nation?"
Jeremiah 9:10 (NLT)
I will weep for the mountains
and wail for the wilderness pastures.
For they are desolate and empty of life;
the lowing of cattle is heard no more;
the birds and wild animals have all fled.
Jeremiah 9:11 (NLT)
"I will make Jerusalem into a heap of ruins," says the LORD.
"It will be a place haunted by jackals.
The towns of Judah will be ghost towns,
with no one living in them."
Jeremiah 9:12 (NLT)

12 Who is wise enough to understand all this? Who has been instructed by the Lord and can explain it to others? Why has the land been so ruined that no one dares to travel through it?
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