Archive THE BIBLE - Verse by Verse (Jeremiah Chapter 1 to 52)

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Jeremiah 13:22 (NLT) - 22 You may ask yourself, “Why is all this happening to me?” It is because of your many sins! That is why you have been stripped and raped by invading armies.
Jeremiah 13:23 (NLT) - 23 Can an Ethiopian change the color of his skin? Can a leopard take away its spots? Neither can you start doing good, for you have always done evil.
Jeremiah 13:25 (NLT) - 25 This is your allotment, the portion I have assigned to you, ”says the Lord, “for you have forgotten me, putting your trust in false gods.
Jeremiah 13:27 (NLT) - 27 I have seen your adultery and lust, and your disgusting idol worship out in the fields and on the hills. What sorrow awaits you, Jerusalem! How long before you are pure?”
Jeremiah 14:2 (NLT)
"Judah wilts;
Commerce at the city gates grinds to a halt.
All the people sit on the ground mourning,
and a great cry rises from Jerusalem.
Jeremiah 14:3 (NLT) - 3 The nobles send servants to get water, but all the wells are dry. The servants return with empty pitchers, confused and desperate, covering their heads in grief.
Jeremiah 14:4 (NLT) - 4 The ground is parched and cracked for lack of rain. The farmers are deeply troubled; they, too, cover their heads.
Jeremiah 14:7 (NLT)

7 The people say, “Our wickedness has caught up with us, Lord, but help us for the sake of your own reputation. We have turned away from you and sinned against you again and again.
Jeremiah 14:8 (NLT) - 8 O Hope of Israel, our Savior in times of trouble, why are you like a stranger to us? Why are you like a traveler passing through the land, stopping only for the night?
Jeremiah 14:9 (NLT) - 9 Are you also confused? Is our champion helpless to save us? You are right here among us, Lord. We are known as your people. Please don’t abandon us now!”
Jeremiah 14:10 (NLT) - 10 So this is what the LORD says to his people: “You love to wander far from me and do not restrain yourselves. Therefore, I will no longer accept you as my people. Now I will remember all your wickedness and will punish you for your sins.”
Jeremiah 14:12 (NLT)
When they fast I will pay no attention. When they present their burnt offerings and grain offerings to me, I will not accept them. Instead, I will devour them with war, famine, and disease."
Jeremiah 14:13 (NLT)
Then I said, "O Soveriegn LORD, their prophets are telling them, 'All is well__no war or famine will come. The LORD will surely send you peace."
Jeremiah 14:14 (NLT)
Then the LORD said, "These prophets are telling lies in my name. I did not send them or tell them to speak. I did not give them any messages. They prophesy of visions and revelations they have never seen nor heard. They speak foolishness made up in their own lying hearts.
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