Archive THE BIBLE - Verse by Verse (Jeremiah Chapter 1 to 52)

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Jeremiah 34:8 (NLT)
This message came to Jeremiah from the LORDafter Zedekiah made a covenant with the people, proclaiming freedom for the slaves.
Jeremiah 34:9 (NLT) - 9 He had ordered all the people to free their Hebrew slaves—both men and women. No one was to keep a fellow Judean in bondage.
Jeremiah 34:11 (NLT) - 11 but later they changed their minds. They took back the men and women they had freed, forcing them to be slaves again.
Jeremiah 34:15 (NLT) -15 Recently you repented and did what was right, following my command. You freed your slaves and made a solemn covenant with me in the Temple that bears my name.
Jeremiah 34:16 (NLT) -16 But now you have shrugged off your oath and defiled my name by taking back the men and women you had freed, forcing them to be slaves once again.
Jeremiah 34:17 (NLT)
"Therefore, this is what the LORD says: Since you have not obeyed me by letting your countrymen free, I will set you free to be destroyed by war, disease, and famine. You will be an object of horror to all the nations of the earth.
Jeremiah 34:18 (NLT)
Because you have broken the terms of our covenant, I will cut you apart just as you cut apart the calf as you walked between its two halves to solemnize your vows.
Jeromiah 34:19 (NLT)
Yes, I will cut you apart, whether you are officials from Judah or Jerusalem, court officials, priests, or common people__ for you have broken your oath.
Jeremiah 34:20 (NLT)
I will give you to your enemies, and they will kill you. Your bodies will be food for the vultures and wild animals.
Jeremiah 34:21 (NLT)
"I will hand over King Zedakkah King of Judah and his officials to the army of the the King of Babylon. And although they have left Jerusalem for a while,
Jeremiah 34:22 (NLT)
I wi call the Babylonian armies back again. They will fight against this city and capture it and burn it down. I will see to it that all the towns of Judah are destroyed, with no one living there.
Jeremiah 35:2 (NLT)
"Go to the settlement where the families of the Recabites live, and invite them to the LORD's Temple
Take them into one of the Inner rooms and offer them some wine."
Jeremiah 35:3 (NLT) - 3 So I went to see Jaazaniah son of Jeremiah and grandson of Habazziniah and all his brothers and sons—representing all the Recabite families.
Jeremiah 35:4 (NLT) - 4 I took them to the Temple, and we went into the room assigned to the sons of Hanan son of Igdaliah, a man of God. This room was located next to the one used by the Temple officials, directly above the room of Maaseiah son of Shallum, the Temple gatekeeper.
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