Archive THE BIBLE - Verse by Verse (Psalm 1 to 150)

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Psalm 55:23 (NLT) - 23 But you, O God, will send the wicked down to the pit of destruction. Murderers and liars will die young, but I am trusting you to save me.
Psalm 56:4 (NLT)
I praise God for what he has promised.
I trust in God, so why should I be afraid?
What can nere mortals do to me?
Psalm 56:8 (NLT)
You keep track of all my sorrows.
You have collected all my tears in your bottle.
You have recorded them in your book.
Psalm 56:13 (NLT)
For you have rescued me from death;
You have kept my feet from slipping.
For now I can walk in your presence, O God,
in your life giving light.
Psalm 57:1 (NLT)
Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy!
I look to you for protection.
I will hide beneath the shadow of your wings
until the danger passes by.
Psalm 57:3 (NLT)
He will send help from heaven to rescue me,
disgracing those that hound me.
y God will send forth his unfailing love and faithfulness.
Psalm 57:6 (NLT)

6 My enemies have set a trap for me. I am weary from distress. They have dug a deep pit in my path, but they themselves have fallen into it.
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