the church

Yes I agree.
It’s very difficult when we are all messed up together.
People have their own lives to deal with and can’t always accommodate us and it can hurt.
We don’t walk around with neon lights hanging over our heads showing them our triggers and baggage.
And I feel like a burden to others and I don’t always know how to help people in their sufferings. I also find it hard to ask for help because I have never had the right kind of help consistently.which I’m learning to ask for lately
I have also realised that the best friends in life are the ones who are or have been going through the same kinds of situations i have.
About 45 years and still have not found a church that could stay that course.
Many seem to all come out of seminary and are there as mentioned, and then elders get involved.
Its very hard to build a church for people. When the Board of Directors ( elders) want a new rec room.

I know there are places out there. But so far, I have not seen one stay that course more then 5-10 years.
And I am too old to find a solution of why.
Jesus is very clear in scripture how we are to do service.

Yes I agree.
It’s very difficult when we are all messed up together.
People have their own lives to deal with and can’t always accommodate us and it can hurt.
We don’t walk around with neon lights hanging over our heads showing them our triggers and baggage.
And I feel like a burden to others and I don’t always know how to help people in their sufferings. I also find it hard to ask for help because I have never had the right kind of help consistently.which I’m learning to ask for lately
I have also realised that the best friends in life are the ones who are or have been going through the same kinds of situations i have.
When I worked in the Recovery center that was Christ based until I left.
We clients and staff were all of the same mind set until they removed God from our place.
God healed the like minded. I saw it.
People are broken, and so much so they can't share many of things we are broken from.
Working there and my own past, I see the world we portray to others. And then the dire loneliness we actually have.
Christ is my sword and my crutch in this battle you speak of with him I matter and that is enough most times.
I wish I never learned how much pain people were in, I helped thousands. But severely damaged myself.
And its a pain I can't share or explain. But........... I also think I am not alone in this at all. And we each have that deep hurt.
Some choose to ignore it as chock it up to life, and some learn and grow stronger. And some become pastors. :)
Hi brothers in the Lord,

I see it that the big public meeting is where lots of smaller groups meet sometimes. The organizers are mainly concerned with how the meeting will run, how the music sounds, how the speaker is presented, and that people are comfortable.

You see even the Lord only had 3 main friends and the others learnt from them. If we only have 2 or 3 close friends then that is all we can manage. They in turn will have other friends and so the circle gets wider.

Look at the Apostle Paul, he only had a few and then they helped others.

At Christian Forum Site there are good men (& women) who will mentor you, become like a father figure, so you can then with their help go and mentor another person. That is how the Lord works, through 1 on 1.
About 45 years and still have not found a church that could stay that course.
Many seem to all come out of seminary and are there as mentioned, and then elders get involved.
Its very hard to build a church for people. When the Board of Directors ( elders) want a new rec room.

I know there are places out there. But so far, I have not seen one stay that course more then 5-10 years.
And I am too old to find a solution of why.
Jesus is very clear in scripture how we are to do service.

I can understand. People are all different and expect different things form each other and mostly from a pastor. Its must be pretty frustrating when all you are wanting to do is point them to Christ and not just dwell on their own misery. People then think the pastor is stupid or uncaring. But they are gifted with a task to see beyond dissatisfaction and suffering that we don't get to see as clearly because we are stuck in our own mental state.
I dont think it's the pastors fault though as much as it is that we dont pray for them. I am also guilty of that from time to time. resentment can build up if I am not quick to spot it.
My pastor at local church, I had a one to one with and he fully understood, and I feel more of a connection since then. I have even seen him cry whilst giving a sermon and it was quite moving.
It's just that I doubt I will find my soul mate there as everyone is married. I stopped looking and since then God has shown me the place I belong, when it comes to the higher probability of finding a date.
but God showed me something...I was a little shocked at first... some music I never found appealing but lately I have been listening to things I never dreamt of haha

Hope your ministry goes from strength to strength because I also think pastors need to remind their congregations on how they are failing them.

God Bless Paul.
Hi brothers in the Lord,

I see it that the big public meeting is where lots of smaller groups meet sometimes. The organizers are mainly concerned with how the meeting will run, how the music sounds, how the speaker is presented, and that people are comfortable.

You see even the Lord only had 3 main friends and the others learnt from them. If we only have 2 or 3 close friends then that is all we can manage. They in turn will have other friends and so the circle gets wider.

Look at the Apostle Paul, he only had a few and then they helped others.

At Christian Forum Site there are good men (& women) who will mentor you, become like a father figure, so you can then with their help go and mentor another person. That is how the Lord works, through 1 on 1.
Brothers? I am not a man lol

sorry had to tell ya just in case you thought I was ❤️

I agree the 2 0r 3 things is enough. and people can flourish that way.
Many seem to all come out of seminary
nothing wrong with the seminary ...but its the anointing that destroys the yoke many cases we have traded doctor degrees for anointing . the pastor who took over charles stanley church i listened to he had a good message by notes.. but he preached when he stepped away from his notes .. i make little foot notes mainly writing scripture down with highlighted thoughts . please dont take this personal cause i do not know YOU. today to many are like Morris the cat finicky . a nice church 30 miles from here .the founding pastor moved and left the church.. he went to a different type ministry . they had a assoc pastor who many felt would be the next pastor.. some in the church DID not care for him.. so they started a campaign to elect someone else ..
that's not how it works you pray and let the Holy spirit guide your vote . many have left the local assembly due to not interested .. this image i posted / most likely will be the subject of the message . i have no idea what i will preach 2 week from now . let alone a week off . i guess i dont get modern day preaching after 25 years and just a h.s education and a degree from holy ghost school hard knocks
nothing wrong with the seminary ...but its the anointing that destroys the yoke many cases we have traded doctor degrees for anointing . the pastor who took over charles stanley church i listened to he had a good message by notes.. but he preached when he stepped away from his notes .. i make little foot notes mainly writing scripture down with highlighted thoughts . please dont take this personal cause i do not know YOU. today to many are like Morris the cat finicky . a nice church 30 miles from here .the founding pastor moved and left the church.. he went to a different type ministry . they had a assoc pastor who many felt would be the next pastor.. some in the church DID not care for him.. so they started a campaign to elect someone else ..
that's not how it works you pray and let the Holy spirit guide your vote . many have left the local assembly due to not interested .. this image i posted / most likely will be the subject of the message . i have no idea what i will preach 2 week from now . let alone a week off . i guess i dont get modern day preaching after 25 years and just a h.s education and a degree from holy ghost school hard knocks

Thank You for sharing this and inviting me into your life a little in service.

I agree, with that perspective you gave.
When I did my training and then went on to share the word with the masses. For me myself. I didn't fit in.
Maybe it was the ride up the ladder from youth ( sounds like you and I have similar views in the Holy Ghost View of Hard Knocks I like that by the way.)
I fit in more with the homeless, and addicts. I have somewhere in me a problem, with top button cinched, black tie suit and then sharing the word.
Its why Mega churches turn me the wrong way. I do want to reiterate I know there exist some very fine pastors and churches by the thousands.
The ones that scare me are the ones that have mass followings and are preaching the wrong message.
When I think of my training in school, it educated me in the word. But it didn't send me to the people. I don't mean the ones that pay for the new parking lots and youth centers. I think my finest time in my life was working at the recovery center as pastor. More then any church.
I loved and enjoyed AA and NA meetings I saw what Jesus spoke of. These were people hungry for something. And were in loss and pain most have no idea of.
If I was in a mega church, I would feel like I needed to do a magic trick, pull a rabbit out of a hat to show them the Lord.
The addicts and homeless I have spoken with. Only wanted to matter, to be loved. And brother did I have good news for them.
I am turning 62 very soon. And my favorite memories in service are not church events, not building a new church, not going on mens retreats>
Wait, OK the food at these retreats was pretty amazing. But seriously digressing. Those who no one saw but God did, was the only reason for me that was what I was to serve for.

I like this group so many perspectives on service.
Thank You for sharing this and inviting me into your life a little in service.

I agree, with that perspective you gave.
When I did my training and then went on to share the word with the masses. For me myself. I didn't fit in.
Maybe it was the ride up the ladder from youth ( sounds like you and I have similar views in the Holy Ghost View of Hard Knocks I like that by the way.)
I fit in more with the homeless, and addicts. I have somewhere in me a problem, with top button cinched, black tie suit and then sharing the word.
Its why Mega churches turn me the wrong way. I do want to reiterate I know there exist some very fine pastors and churches by the thousands.
The ones that scare me are the ones that have mass followings and are preaching the wrong message.
When I think of my training in school, it educated me in the word. But it didn't send me to the people. I don't mean the ones that pay for the new parking lots and youth centers. I think my finest time in my life was working at the recovery center as pastor. More then any church.
I loved and enjoyed AA and NA meetings I saw what Jesus spoke of. These were people hungry for something. And were in loss and pain most have no idea of.
If I was in a mega church, I would feel like I needed to do a magic trick, pull a rabbit out of a hat to show them the Lord.
The addicts and homeless I have spoken with. Only wanted to matter, to be loved. And brother did I have good news for them.
I am turning 62 very soon. And my favorite memories in service are not church events, not building a new church, not going on mens retreats>
Wait, OK the food at these retreats was pretty amazing. But seriously digressing. Those who no one saw but God did, was the only reason for me that was what I was to serve for.

I like this group so many perspectives on service.
for 25 years many times i did the knocking for open doors. i was raised in the UMC it was so programmed ..but then again i was lost really didn't care for church.. went because my parents expected me to. met my wife she was attending a gen Baptist Church i started going with her ..just so as i could be with her.. i was a heathen by nature :eek: but i loved her never while dating did i expose her to the elements i \thrived. on. after we got married i took her places and people to meet.. i done some bone head things that could have landed in the cross bar motel..
i thought i had to live hank jr family tradition why do you drink roll smoke.. i was raised in a good family ti took a hard rocking of my world to get my attention 2 years later after uncle same showed me how quick he could fix my wagon i got saved 5 years alter i was called to preach . i had no clue after salvation i had always been under sound doctrine . i have been in revival services that every thing but holy fire took place . i did youth ministry for years . i had a wild bunch i preached fire and brimstone... even the pastor told me i was blunt. love and learn they formed a youth board and they tried to fashion me with programs attend meetings . tell them what i was going to do in advance ..i had no idea sometimes the message came on a wed .. i had 3 days of study .. i ended up leaving after they voted to remove me from office..

i had some tell me they had no idea what went on.. one said he didn't blame me . i had a family member get upset because i said God used a dumb ass to speak to a prophet lol.. that curled her hair especially when i gave her the scripture

{But was rebuked for his iniquity: the dumb ass speaking with man's voice forbad the madness of the prophet.} i was scolded for that.. i pastored a southern baptist church they was willing to work and invite folks.. untilllllll i mentioned foot washing i am a firm believer in foot washing its in the book that ended that i upset the religious folks . the lynch committee asked for my resignation school hard knocks experience/

i have been through church splits seen fights not fist fights ..but verbal i have seen power struggles . the church i am at know is the church i was saved in and called to preach . it went through some pastor admins that literally helped kill it . covid hit the alleged pastor went back to the world .the church closed / i was given the chance to reopen Going on 4 years i been trying to build . i don't do memberships . you come be part of us . your a member i dont preach general Baptist doctrine .. i preach the word i welcome all i wear jeans and a good shirt . ministry is not for the faint at heart .

i fall down many times but i always get back up and pray my way through it can be days weeks or months ..
i fall down many times but i always get back up and pray my way through it can be days weeks or months ..

Amen Brother,
I have shared allot here the last two months.
I truly admire your transparency. Makes me feel comfortable if the time comes to invite my new CFS family to my past.
In my testimony I move through the years fairly quick. I am tired, I think my soul is. It honestly feels that way.

Again thank you for sharing your testimony .

When I worked in the Recovery center that was Christ based until I left.
We clients and staff were all of the same mind set until they removed God from our place.
God healed the like minded. I saw it.
People are broken, and so much so they can't share many of things we are broken from.
Working there and my own past, I see the world we portray to others. And then the dire loneliness we actually have.
Christ is my sword and my crutch in this battle you speak of with him I matter and that is enough most times.
I wish I never learned how much pain people were in, I helped thousands. But severely damaged myself.
And its a pain I can't share or explain. But........... I also think I am not alone in this at all. And we each have that deep hurt.
Some choose to ignore it as chock it up to life, and some learn and grow stronger. And some become pastors. :)
There was a time when I participated in nursing home ministry. The conditions of residents in county nursing homes broke my heart. I learned that pain and heartbreak can be contagious to everyone involved in difficult and neglectful situations. My prayers are with you and your mother.
Amen Brother,
I have shared allot here the last two months.
I truly admire your transparency. Makes me feel comfortable if the time comes to invite my new CFS family to my past.
In my testimony I move through the years fairly quick. I am tired, I think my soul is. It honestly feels that way.

Again thank you for sharing your testimony .

everyone has a testimony every one has trials /thorns in the flesh the message of Satan to buffet us aka the battering rams of hell comes against us