The Gift

I am placed on this planet, little spinning blue ball. In a vast space of darkness.
I like to think that my soul is like this at times. I am the big blue ball of life surrounded by darkness.
Yes there is light where I am .

So that a nice perspective and all. But in my life id like to do more then just exist.
And we are presented with gifts that should make out lives important.
1 Corinthians 12:4-7:
"There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good."

I remember and old saying when I was in my teens that was and expression.
Jack of all trades, master of none. I seem to reflect a person like that. There is probably nothing, I can attempt to complete.
I always want to learn so each new experience is something I am attempting. Right now I am attempting to learn how to restore headlight lenses on my car.
The plastic is scratched pretty bad. And I am trying to repair it having never done that before.

But I am turning 62 very soon. I and I am no sure what gifts God has given me. I was a good pastor I think. I was never in the line however of preacher.
I am more calm down to earth and very casual in the way I view Christ. I mean that in a very respectful way. But I think of thing and trying to deescalate them, and make them smaller. And I am able because of that to do analogies in situations very well.
I play guitar, OK, I sing, OK, I write poetry and lyrics, and books. OK. I am a dad, I think I was good. Was I the best? Probably not as lives baggage make it hard to know what a dad was to be. I can work on cars, build computer, design software. Landscape homes, do electrical. The list seems long of things I can do.
I always wanted to be a teacher. I think I enjoyed working with addicts because I could teach them a different way. But I am flawed and wonder how well that was done too.

I have studied religion since I was older boy. I seem to know the meaning of the Bible very well.
But I have never mastered memorizing it, and have only read it end to end as a book maybe twice in my life time.
Often knowing where tools where and then using them. I can easily understand the words in the Bible and the context.
But I often use analogy over quoting the scripture verbatim. The varied versions of the bible I have found that hard to latch on.
But if you ask men the meaning of the books I can tell you.

I seem to be able to with some clarity view pain in others. I also seem to see evil when its there.
Its not something I like as its not great to see the pain ppl are in. And all my life I have been pulled to view suffering.
Its often, from people that outwardly seem happy and fine. I am not sure what that is. But a Gift to view
others pain and difficulty?

I think God has given me a kind nature. I remember as a kid several times. I would get in fights at school.
The kid would get hurt and I would console him after causing him pain. I never saw it as a victory.
I just wished at times life did not put me in that position. I am not passive. I just try and avoid at all cost conflict.
Unless its unavoidable. I am not a small person, at 6'5" . So that does help me avoid these issues as and adult.

You and I have Gifts. I am sure mixed inside of this jumbled mess is a gift. But I am unsure even at 62 what that gift is.
Maybe that is why I am looking at all these ways and ideas in my life as I have not put my finger on it.
Or maybe I have not been blessed for my gift to be known yet.

Jesus was such and amazing person. He knew his gifts so well and was open to all that his father gave him.
I have tried to be open to the gifts that have been given. I can see a path, at times that makes it clear.
Like God, clearing his throat and saying hey, over here. You missed a spot.

Ramblings today. I am grateful for my life, let there be no mistake. I feel blessed to have lived this long.
Wow what and amazing thing life is. If you could bottle up this stuff they call life. You would be wealthy.
But I thank the Lord for allowing me to live this long, and for as long as I am needed here.

Be well my friends.
God is Great, :)