The God that remembered Noah,

The God who remembered Noah

Heading for self destruction
Where everything goes…
God must be broken hearted
To see what man has done,
Ignoring past lessons
The ark,
The rainbow,
The pillar of salt,

Will the God who remembered Noah,

Remember me?

Standing out from the crowd,
Being ridicule condemned,
For being faithful,
for not following the world,
For not conforming
But for being transformed!
Will the God who remembered Noah
Remember me?

There is no hope without mercy
Salvation I do not deserve
Not keeping score of good or evil
But heavenly treasures laid up above

Noah found favour in the Lords eyes
As God looks down from heaven today
Who would be found?
Noah was righteous and blameless
among the people of his time,
Who would be found faithfully walking with God?

The God that remembered Noah,
