The Greater Miracle

Seeing their faith, he said to him, "Man, your sins are forgiven you."
- Luke 5:20 (WEB)
There were two miracles when the paralytic was lowered through the roof into the room where Jesus was teaching. One was obvious: the man was healed of his paralysis. He took up his bed in full view of everyone and went home. The second was not obvious. Nobody in the crowd noticed it. But it was a far greater miracle. The man's sins were forgiven.

Here are four reasons why forgiveness of sins is a greater miracle than any physical healing:

Forgiveness is eternal. If you get healed physically, it's a great thing. But that healing is only temporary. It only affects your life here on earth. If you get the use of your legs back, you still might having something else happen to you later on. You could go blind, get cancer, or lose your mind. Even if you retain your health for the rest of your life, you're still going to die anyway and face the judgment. But forgiveness of sins (not just "a" sin but all sins) is much better. It is eternal. It is a miracle for which the consequences continue long after death into eternity.

Another thing that sets forgiveness of sins apart from other miracles is with our relationships. Forgiveness restores our relationship with God. Physical healing can restore relationships with our fellow man. For example, those Jesus healed of leprosy no longer had to live apart from the rest of society, and the healed paralytic could go for walks with his friends. But forgiveness of sins restores man's relationship with God. Sin is like a spiritual leprosy. In sin we have to live apart from God because we are "unclean". But when God removes our sin and cleans us up, we have fellowship with Him, and He with us. That is why Jesus could say, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." And that is why the Holy Spirit can dwell in us.

Third, the scriptures mention only one emotion in heaven over what happens down here on earth. We read nothing about heaven's response when Jesus raised the dead or gave sight to the blind. But we are told there is more joy in heaven over one repenting sinner than over 99 that don't repent. The angels rejoice when one sinner repents and receives forgiveness of sins! Forgiveness brings more joy to heaven. I think that goes to show what heaven thinks is more important. (True, Luke 15:7 doesn't mention forgiveness, but it is implied. Why would the angels rejoice over a repentant sinner if he's going to go to hell anyway?)

Once more thing that makes forgiveness a greater miracle: We all need it. Not all of us need our sight or hearing restored, or cancer removed, but we're all sinners with the need for God's forgiveness and He offers it freely to anyone who asks. Jesus fed thousands of people at one time, and they eventually got hungry again. But millions have received God's forgiveness, which lasts for eternity!

Can you think of other reasons why forgiveness is a greater miracle?