The blood of Christ can wash any mark off.
I haven't seen your video yet but I'm convinced that the mark of the Beast is money. You can't buy or sell without money and it has become the greatest false idol of our time, people have never been so greedy.
Amen. Interestingly enough, the implementation of the mark of the beast is an attempt to prevent Christians from experiencing the new covenant. Rev 13 is a war against the new covenant.
I assume u disagree with the video correct? Because what u speak is opposite of the video. No doubt Christ will gather His elect still living, but will do so at His second coming. Secret rapture proponents teach Jesuit futurism. So therefore you teach popery. And unless u can show where Christ is coming back two more times from scripture, then you are teaching heresy. Roman Catholicism or popery, is that beast. Its antichrist whether you want to believe it or not. It's so obvious through history and its antichrists blasphemous teachings that only the deceived can't see this and believe it. And has been for centuries. But yet that lack of love for the truth, the apostate church will never come out and expose this. But rather will compromise. The bubble that western society lives in, religious and secular, cannot see this. Western society, mainly America, has brought all of so called Christiandom under papal Rome now. Through secular and religious means.. And its image is lifted up and spread throughout all the world under the banner of "freedom" and "Liberty". As well, all sorts of false religions and cults, which spew forth from this place with its Immoral, idolatrous, selfish, ungrateful, and arrogant practices and beliefs spread under the banner of freedom here. And not to mention the false teachings of papal arminianism (free will) and futurism that "Christianity" holds to for the most part, has imaged its MOTHER!! Papal Arminians deny, whether they admit to it or not, the gospel of Gods grace. And futurism will not see its mother as that man of sin.. The "Christian church" is completely apostate and take the mark of popery. It is that second beast or false prophet that brings the whole world to worship the beast, papal Rome. Many are brain washed through gov controlled media (propaganda) and entertainment, that they cannot even see that freedom is an illusion here. Christ Alone gives true freedom.. Everlasting life! The freedom that lost sinners want and have here, is to "do as thou wilt", is the whole of the law is what that satanist Aleister Crowley said.. Submission and repentance to the Sovereign God and Savior Jesus Christ, is hated by the unbelieving and religious world. The cup of Gods wrath is soon to be poured out on this world. The military arm of America is bringing about the one world system of worship of the beast Rome. It's false Christianity of all sorts, is bringing about its ecumenical unification of all false religion around the world under the banner of "love" and "peace". Its all around us, but yet so many cant see it. May Gods people come out from among them..Chapter 13 is actually what is called a "Parenthetical" chapter. In other words, it is an explanation of what is taking place during a certain part of the chronological time frame of the Tribulation.
The Christians are removed by the Rapture, the anti Christ assumes power along with his partner the false prophet. The false prophet is the one who enforces the mark of the beast to humans so that without it, they can not buy, sell or trade. It seems to me that the mark of the beast is a method that causes worship of the A/C and without it people will die because of starvation and thirst.
I assume u disagree with the video correct? Because what u speak is opposite of the video. No doubt Christ will gather His elect still living, but will do so at His second coming. Secret rapture proponents teach Jesuit futurism. So therefore you teach popery. And unless u can show where Christ is coming back two more times from scripture, then you are teaching heresy. Roman Catholicism or popery, is that beast. Its antichrist whether you want to believe it or not. It's so obvious through history and its antichrists blasphemous teachings that only the deceived can't see this and believe it. And has been for centuries. But yet that lack of love for the truth, the apostate church will never come out and expose this. But rather will compromise. The bubble that western society lives in, religious and secular, cannot see this. Western society, mainly America, has brought all of so called Christiandom under papal Rome now. Through secular and religious means.. And its image is lifted up and spread throughout all the world under the banner of "freedom" and "Liberty". As well, all sorts of false religions and cults, which spew forth from this place with its Immoral, idolatrous, selfish, ungrateful, and arrogant practices and beliefs spread under the banner of freedom here. And not to mention the false teachings of papal arminianism (free will) and futurism that "Christianity" holds to for the most part, has imaged its MOTHER!! Papal Arminians deny, whether they admit to it or not, the gospel of Gods grace. And futurism will not see its mother as that man of sin.. The "Christian church" is completely apostate and take the mark of popery. It is that second beast or false prophet that brings the whole world to worship the beast, papal Rome. Many are brain washed through gov controlled media (propaganda) and entertainment, that they cannot even see that freedom is an illusion here. Christ Alone gives true freedom.. Everlasting life! The freedom that lost sinners want and have here, is to "do as thou wilt", is the whole of the law is what that satanist Aleister Crowley said.. Submission and repentance to the Sovereign God and Savior Jesus Christ, is hated by the unbelieving and religious world. The cup of Gods wrath is soon to be poured out on this world. The military arm of America is bringing about the one world system of worship of the beast Rome. It's false Christianity of all sorts, is bringing about its ecumenical unification of all false religion around the world under the banner of "love" and "peace". Its all around us, but yet so many cant see it. May Gods people come out from among them..
And what direction was it going for you to stop watching? And futurism corruption of the 70th week of Daniel is why the Jesuits ministers of satan were so deceptive in bringing this false view into Christendom. And why you and others hold firm to popery. We are going in circles about who true Israel is, so I'm not getting into that anymore. But will say that those Khazars there today aren't true physical descendants of Israel.. True physical descendant Hebrews were of color, primarily black. But I'm sure to Anglo Saxon Europeans, that truth doesn't set rt with you. But a true Jew today are those in Christ, whether Physically Jew or Gentile, and who are ultimately Gods true Israel!! But you refuse to believe scripture like many. And explain your 3 comings of Christ then? 1 Corinthians 15: 52. Paralleled with the last trump in Revelations 11, speaks of the catching away of those alive and the final culmination of all things in one event correct? The Lords day. Revelations 1:7. Says he cometh with CLOUDS; AND EVERY EYE SHALL SEE HIM.. So where is this secret rapture? And 1 Thessalonians 5:9.. The truth speaks for itself. It's an encouragement of salvation in Christ. The doctrine of predestination and election is an encouragement to believers to stand fast and gives great assurance in Christ Jesus who has saved us. For God has vessels of wrath fitted for destruction and vessels of mercy, predestined for glory in Christ Romans 9:21-24. So do you deny salvation by the election of Gods grace? This has nothing to do with tribulation on earth, but has to do with our assurance of salvation. Which His elect weren't appointed to wrath, or judgement. But to be alert and aware, for the day of the Lord comes as a thief in the night. But as children of the light, we ought to be sober and watch, not as children of the dark.I watched the video but stopped when I saw the direction it was going as I was not willing to invest an hour and a half to it.
Today the Mid- Tribulation view has been modified and expanded and is espoused most clearly by Marvin Rosenthal, former director of Friends of Israel and is referred to as the Pre-Wrath Rapture View.
This view places the Rapture at the middle of the Tribulation. As Post Tribulation position was disfavored after WWI (Rapture at the end of the Tribulation) many shifted to the Mid-Tribulation position. Whatever you call it, it is a false view of timing of the Rapture that puts the Body of Christ going through part of Daniel's 70th Week.
Its main error is failing to recognize that the seven year Tribulation is the period when God completes His plan for Israel and He tests, purges and purifies them, returns at His second coming and establishes their promised kingdom. The Bride of Christ is not a part of this period when God purges Israel and the Gentile nations. This glaring interpretive error sets the stage for this false view which places the Bride of Christ in the Tribulation which in no way can stand up to scrutiny.
And YES, Jesus does come TWO more times. The next time is at the Rapture when He comes for all the born again believers and meets them in the air, and then 7 years later at Armageddon where He places HIs feet on the Mt. of Olives and begins the 1000 year rule of Christ.
God says in 1 Thess. 5:9.................
"For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ".
Now is that true or false?
And what direction was it going for you to stop watching? And futurism corruption of the 70th week of Daniel is why the Jesuits ministers of satan were so deceptive in bringing this false view into Christendom. And why you and others hold firm to popery. We are going in circles about who true Israel is, so I'm not getting into that anymore. But will say that those Khazars there today aren't true physical descendants of Israel.. True physical descendant Hebrews were of color, primarily black. But I'm sure to Anglo Saxon Europeans, that truth doesn't set rt with you. But a true Jew today are those in Christ, whether Physically Jew or Gentile, and who are ultimately Gods true Israel!! But you refuse to believe scripture like many. And explain your 3 comings of Christ then? 1 Corinthians 15: 52. Paralleled with the last trump in Revelations 11, speaks of the catching away of those alive and the final culmination of all things in one event correct? The Lords day. Revelations 1:7. Says he cometh with CLOUDS; AND EVERY EYE SHALL SEE HIM.. So where is this secret rapture? And 1 Thessalonians 5:9.. The truth speaks for itself. It's an encouragement of salvation in Christ. The doctrine of predestination and election is an encouragement to believers to stand fast and gives great assurance in Christ Jesus who has saved us. For God has vessels of wrath fitted for destruction and vessels of mercy, predestined for glory in Christ Romans 9:21-24. So do you deny salvation by the election of Gods grace? This has nothing to do with tribulation on earth, but has to do with our assurance of salvation. Which His elect weren't appointed to wrath, or judgement. But to be alert and aware, for the day of the Lord comes as a thief in the night. But as children of the light, we ought to be sober and watch, not as children of the dark.
Not understanding why you would ask those questions from what the subject was on. Believing gentiles are grafted in. Romans 11. Christ alone fulfills the requirements of the Law. He Alone is our righteousness. So confused on your second question. And about being a true physical descendant of the Hebrew nation is irrelevant according to the new covenant in Christ. The big deal comes in with the dispensationalists futurism view on fleshly Israel. It deifies a people rather than Christ Himself. And a people who are imposters to the true physical descendants of Israel. What makes you think God isn't grafting back in true physical descendants of fleshly Israel today? I'm saying Gods true Israel has always been in the promised SEED, Christ Jesus.. And that by the ELECTION OF GRACE.. Romans 9-11. So this fleshly kingdom u speak of, and these Khazars, you call Jews, being apart of Israel today as Gods fleshly Israel, is lies. Could you answer my question on the secret rapture and the election of grace? And what's wrong with amerikkka and popery being the two kingdoms??Now, I have no desire to argue with and I am not going to do it. However, seems to be that there are at least three questions you may ask yourself...............
1. One would be:
I have always thought that the point of Romans 2 was to show that the Jews are under sin and in need of the Gospel of justification by faith as stated in Romans 3:9. Then why why does Paul make a point about Gentiles becoming Jews? It seems out of place. How does this fit into his over-all purpose to show that all are under sin?
2. Another question you may ask would be:
How does the promise that Gentiles will be regarded as true Jews, if we keep the requirements of the Law, fit together with the promise that we are justified not by works of the Law but by faith as seen in Romans 3:28? Then the real question is, how do we keep the Law????Does this promise in Romans 2:26 really come true for anybody, or is it hypothetical? Is this really Christian experience - to fulfil the requirements of the Law and so be counted as a true Jew?
3. Finally, you might ask:
Why does it matter if I am counted as a Jew or not? I don't get up in the morning wishing I were a Jew. Why would you even think of preaching a sermon that has such a foreign notion as its main point? This is not a felt need. Who wants to be a true Jew anyway? And why would they want that?
Then consider, if outsiders, like the Gentiles, are really taking the place of natural-born Israelites in the kingdom of God, then this shows how badly the Jewish people need to be saved. They are not just seen to be lost, because everyone else is lost; their lostness is even more clear, because those who are less likely candidates than themselves are being saved and taking their own place at the table of salvation, while Jews are missing out.
Not understanding why you would ask those questions from what the subject was on. Believing gentiles are grafted in. Romans 11. Christ alone fulfills the requirements of the Law. He Alone is our righteousness. So confused on your second question. And about being a true physical descendant of the Hebrew nation is irrelevant according to the new covenant in Christ. The big deal comes in with the dispensationalists futurism view on fleshly Israel. It deifies a people rather than Christ Himself. And a people who are imposters to the true physical descendants of Israel. What makes you think God isn't grafting back in true physical descendants of fleshly Israel today? I'm saying Gods true Israel has always been in the promised SEED, Christ Jesus.. And that by the ELECTION OF GRACE.. Romans 9-11. So this fleshly kingdom u speak of, and these Khazars, you call Jews, being apart of Israel today as Gods fleshly Israel, is lies. Could you answer my question on the secret rapture and the election of grace? And what's wrong with amerikkkka and popery being the two kingdoms??
I understand the purpose of physical national Israel and how God used them to bring in the messiah. This is where you are confused. Unable to answer what? You keep trying to justify futurism and a fleshly people who r imposters as true Israel.. Do a study on who the true physical Descendants are before you hold to Zionism as truth. The bible is clear who true Israel is. Those who are of the faith of Abraham, and that in Christ Alone.. Whether you are Jew or Gentile! So according to the election of grace, they are beloved!!! Mercy has been extended to Gentiles, and this through the promised Savior. The promise to Abraham that all nations shall be blessed. So you deny predestination and election? Because you are unable to answer. And as far as amerikkka and popery, you refuse to see what's so clearly evident.. And why for the most part, Christendom is popery, and antichrist.. That's why futurism and papal Arminians are daughters of RomeSorry to ask you those things which you are unable to answer. They just might be important to your thinking.
It seems to me that you are trying to eliminate Israel and give the promises made to them to the church. That is why I posed those questions to you.
Jesus is the Messiah that the Jews had been anticipating for centuries. As such, He was born into a Jewish family and was reared according to Jewish law in a Jewish town. Jesus selected Jewish disciples, spoke in Jewish synagogues and the Jewish temple, and traveled mostly in Jewish areas. His mission, in fulfillment of the Jewish prophets, was to the Jewish people. However, none of this means that Jesus’ ministry was limited exclusively to the Jews.
“Is God the God of Jews only? Is he not the God of Gentiles too? Yes, of Gentiles too” (Romans 3:29). Jesus was the Jewish Messiah, but He had come to offer salvation to everybody. The Messiah was to be a “light for the Gentiles” (Isaiah 42:6). So call on Jesus, because “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Acts 2:21).(
I do not find the Rapture to be a secret. I know about it. YOU know about it and all of Christianity knows about it. If fact most unbelievers know about it also. There is no way to keep the disappearance of hundreds of million people a secret.
The USA is not recorded anywhere in the Scriptures in the end times or any other time frame. As for the Popery, that is another question all together. I can see where it can be included in the Laodicea church of the last days as it has many, many elements that simply are not Biblical. I would also say that Muslims would also be considered as part of the end time church of the world.
And I have yet to see from scripture 2 more comings of Christ that futurists hold to. And Islam is an extension of Babylonian worship that God will judge in ChristSorry to ask you those things which you are unable to answer. They just might be important to your thinking.
It seems to me that you are trying to eliminate Israel and give the promises made to them to the church. That is why I posed those questions to you.
Jesus is the Messiah that the Jews had been anticipating for centuries. As such, He was born into a Jewish family and was reared according to Jewish law in a Jewish town. Jesus selected Jewish disciples, spoke in Jewish synagogues and the Jewish temple, and traveled mostly in Jewish areas. His mission, in fulfillment of the Jewish prophets, was to the Jewish people. However, none of this means that Jesus’ ministry was limited exclusively to the Jews.
“Is God the God of Jews only? Is he not the God of Gentiles too? Yes, of Gentiles too” (Romans 3:29). Jesus was the Jewish Messiah, but He had come to offer salvation to everybody. The Messiah was to be a “light for the Gentiles” (Isaiah 42:6). So call on Jesus, because “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Acts 2:21).(
I do not find the Rapture to be a secret. I know about it. YOU know about it and all of Christianity knows about it. If fact most unbelievers know about it also. There is no way to keep the disappearance of hundreds of million people a secret.
The USA is not recorded anywhere in the Scriptures in the end times or any other time frame. As for the Popery, that is another question all together. I can see where it can be included in the Laodicea church of the last days as it has many, many elements that simply are not Biblical. I would also say that Muslims would also be considered as part of the end time church of the world.
Now, I have no desire to argue with and I am not going to do it. However, seems to be that there are at least three questions you may ask yourself...............
1. One would be:
I have always thought that the point of Romans 2 was to show that the Jews are under sin and in need of the Gospel of justification by faith as stated in Romans 3:9. Then why why does Paul make a point about Gentiles becoming Jews? It seems out of place. How does this fit into his over-all purpose to show that all are under sin?
2. Another question you may ask would be:
How does the promise that Gentiles will be regarded as true Jews, if we keep the requirements of the Law, fit together with the promise that we are justified not by works of the Law but by faith as seen in Romans 3:28? Then the real question is, how do we keep the Law????Does this promise in Romans 2:26 really come true for anybody, or is it hypothetical? Is this really Christian experience - to fulfil the requirements of the Law and so be counted as a true Jew?
3. Finally, you might ask:
Why does it matter if I am counted as a Jew or not? I don't get up in the morning wishing I were a Jew. Why would you even think of preaching a sermon that has such a foreign notion as its main point? This is not a felt need. Who wants to be a true Jew anyway? And why would they want that?
Then consider, if outsiders, like the Gentiles, are really taking the place of natural-born Israelites in the kingdom of God, then this shows how badly the Jewish people need to be saved. They are not just seen to be lost, because everyone else is lost; their lostness is even more clear, because those who are less likely candidates than themselves are being saved and taking their own place at the table of salvation, while Jews are missing out.
The language of Revelation is highly symbolic but representative of real history concerning Christianity from Roman times to the last day.Therefore, if you want to know what the mark OF the beast is, you must first identify the beast, and from that you should be able to find out what that entity claims as it's mark of authority.
The language of Revelation is highly symbolic but representative of real history concerning Christianity from Roman times to the last day.
The beast, the anti-Christ - is Papal Rome and Roman Catholicism.
The Mark of the Beast refers symbolically to making the sign of the cross upon oneself, along with other ceremonies such as
infant baptism and Ash Wednesday.
I appreciate your way of speaking civilly and from your heart. You are correct in that we will not agree on ALL things but we do however agree that the Lord Jesus is the Christ the Son of God and really, that is what matters.Hey brother,
I want to start off as saying, I respect your point of view and always have--even though we disagree often. I will repeat your questions in bold and attempt to answer.
1.) Then why why does Paul make a point about Gentiles becoming Jews? It seems out of place. How does this fit into his over-all purpose to show that all are under sin?
Here are the verses in question in Romans 2:
28 For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:
29 But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.
Let's question the text.
Who is not a Jew?
"For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly "(makes a profession)
Does the circumcision of the flesh make him Jew?
"neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:"
Then who is a Jew?
"But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly"
How is such a Jew truly circumcised?
"circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit"
The point? Since we are all in the same human condition, and are under sin, we all need a savior and to be circumcised of the heart. Hence Paul says in Rom 8:1 "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit" (aka circumcised of the heart aka a true Jew).
2. How does the promise that Gentiles will be regarded as true Jews, if we keep the requirements of the Law, fit together with the promise that we are justified not by works of the Law but by faith as seen in Romans 3:28? Then the real question is, how do we keep the Law????Does this promise in Romans 2:26 really come true for anybody, or is it hypothetical? Is this really Christian experience - to fulfil the requirements of the Law and so be counted as a true Jew?
Paul lets us know that the Law is spiritual (Rom 7:14). But Paul also tells us that the Law condemns (2 cor 3:9). Therefore, what is the solution? Rom 8:1, "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." Jesus takes on our condemnation that comes from the law (justification). But he does more than that. We are carnal and sold under sin (we cannot gain any victories on our own - Rom 7;14). In addition our mind by default is carnal:
"6 For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace."
Furthermore he makes a very interesting declaration concerning the carnal mind, v7 "Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be."
Therefore, he induces: 8 "So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God"
In these text we see that the carnal mind can never obey the law of God, as a result such a person can never please God. So what needs to be done? v9 "But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you." God is a genius in dealing with the sin problem. First he takes on our condemnation through His Son, THEN he puts His spirit in us, and by this formula gives us power to obey the law of God. As a result " if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of righteousness (right doing, an action)".
3. Finally, you might ask:
Why does it matter if I am counted as a Jew or not? I don't get up in the morning wishing I were a Jew. Why would you even think of preaching a sermon that has such a foreign notion as its main point? This is not a felt need. Who wants to be a true Jew anyway? And why would they want that?
Call it a Jew, or call it a Christian, there is no distinction when looking through the eyes of God. I do get up every morning, not to wish I was a Jew, but to die daily and to examine myself, to know whether I be truly in the faith - 2 cor 13:5. This we all should do. Many Christians are spiritually destitute, and they do not even known it. We need to have a deep relationship with Jesus.
Blessings as always,