The Middle East: (2) The Origin and the Two Plans.

The Origin.

The garden of Eden was situated in the region of Mesopotamia, of the four rivers.

`Now a river went out of Eden to water the garden, and from there parted and became four riverheads.` (Gen. 2: 10)

It was in that lovely place that God put man.

`The LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed. ` (Gen. 2: 8)

God gave the man, Adam instructions concerning what fruit to eat and what not to eat. God also helped Adam to develop his mind by enabling him to name the different animals.

`Out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to Adam to see what he would call them. And whatever Adam called each living creature, that was its name.` (Gen. 2: 19)

Then God made a helpmate for him, called Eve. God would come and `walk` with them in the cool of the evening, sharing His wisdom to grow and mature them.

The Two Plans.

God desired relationship with Adam and Eve, sharing His wisdom with them for them to grow and make right choices.

However, Satan, had his own plans. He desired to rule over man and use him for his purposes: ruling the world and taking man`s worship from God.

Satan deceived the woman saying that God did not want them to be wise.

`And the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die, for God knows that in the day you eat it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.` (Gen. 3: 4 & 5)

Eve was deceived by Satan thinking she could get wisdom by the fruit.

`So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took its fruit and ate. She gave it to her husband with her, and he ate.` (Gen. 3: 6)

We can't locate the Garden of Eden because during the flood, God re-formed the entire land surface of the earth, erasing all vestiges of the evil pre-flood world. That's why we can find parts of the Appalachian Mountains in North America, northern Scotland, and northwestern Africa. That's why archeologists can't locate any traces of the pre-flood civilizations.
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We can't locate the Garden of Eden because during the flood, God re-formed the entire land surface of the earth, erasing all vestiges of the evil pre-flood world. That's why we can find parts of the Appalachian Mountains in North America, northern Scotland, and northwestern Africa. That's why archeologists can't locate any traces of the pre-flood civilizations.
Bible lover I’ve read much the same . Yet even though the Bible is post flood . Yet Moses seems to write about many geographical locations of the old world as in the vicinity of the new world .
We can't locate the Garden of Eden because during the flood, God re-formed the entire land surface of the earth, erasing all vestiges of the evil pre-flood world. That's why we can find parts of the Appalachian Mountains in North America, northern Scotland, and northwestern Africa. That's why archeologists can't locate any traces of the pre-flood civilizations.
Hi BibleLover,

I agree that great changes would take place when the `fountains of the deep were broken up,` and `the windows of heaven were opened.` (Gen. 7: 11) However, as Prim has said it seems that God is giving us names that we (they) can recognize today.

Thank you for your input. Hope you can contribute more as we progress.

Bible lover I’ve read much the same . Yet even though the Bible is post flood . Yet Moses seems to write about many geographical locations of the old world as in the vicinity of the new world .
Hi Prim,

Glad you can contribute. I think similar to you, though BibleLover is right as to drastic changes.
