The Middle East. (3) The Flood and Babel.

The Flood

Adam and Eve had not trusted God but instead listened to Satan, thus they came under his influence. Over time the generations that followed became very wicked.

`Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.` (Gen. 6: 5)

God decided to destroy man and beast whom He had created all except Noah, (and his family) who found grace in the eyes of the LORD. God told Noah to build an ark and when it was finished, God brought the many animals and birds into it.

After the flood, Noah built an altar to God and offered burnt offerings of every clean animal. God received the offerings and spoke to Noah and his sons. He told them to be fruitful and fill the earth.

God also gave Noah (and man) the responsibility of governing others (rulership). God said He would require of them `a life for a life,` man`s blood which is murder. This is the highest crime, and all other crimes are under that. Man`s governing would now be accountable to God.

Noah`s family knew to worship God and what He required of them. However, it didn`t take long for `man`s evil heart` to emerge and plan wickedness.


The descendants of Noah journeyed from the east (Ararat) and found a plain in the land of Shinar and dwelt there. It lay between the two great rivers and was very fertile.

Nimrod, Noah`s great grandson (from Ham) gathered men together to build a city and a tower in Shinar so that they could have great fame and authority (a name) over others. This was the beginning of his kingdom.

This is rebellion against God and thus God scatters them abroad with different languages causing confusion. Therefore, the name of the city is Babel - confusion. (Babylon) Nimrod then went from there to Assyria and built Ninevah, worshipping the god of war.

Thus, we are seeing Satan influencing man against God and taking man`s worship which is due to God alone.
