The Middle East. (4) God's Nation

God`s Nation.

God now reveals that through another of Noah`s son, Shem, would come a new nation, one that was from miraculous beginnings. This was Isaac, born of God`s promise when Abraham and Sarah were beyond childbearing.

Then from Isaac`s son Jacob, (later Israel) would come twelve sons who were the beginnings of the twelve tribes of Israel. These were God`s people with whom He guided, taught and protected over the centuries.

When Jacob and his sons went down to Egypt because of a famine in their land we can see God`s hand protecting them. As they grew in number they became a threat to the Pharoh. But even there we see God`s hand of preparation in Moses` life. After Moses encountered God, he and his brother Aaron led the Israelites out of Egypt after the plagues on Pharaoh and the Egyptians who resisted God's will.

In the wilderness journey of Israel to the promised land, God gives Moses the Law and shows him how the people are to worship Him. This is through a priesthood and rituals in the tabernacle and later the Temple which are a shadow of Christ and His mediatorial work.

God gives the land of Canaan in the Middle East to His people Israel. There they had to fight many enemies, but God continued to establish them in the land. After a time King David is anointed ruler and shows the nations God`s righteous rulership. God promises Israel that they will eventually rule over the nations.

Thus God`s plans of restoration of man and righteous rulership was revealed to come through this nation of Israel. God promised Israel that they would rule over the nations of the world with their king, their Messiah bringing peace.

Satan, however, ever present to try and undermine God`s plans influenced Abraham and Sarah to make a child with a bond woman Hagar. Ishmael was born and from him also came twelve tribes who became the Arabs we know today. Israel and the Arab`s relationship has been affected by rivalry and jealousy over the years.

God`s Nation.

God now reveals that through another of Noah`s son, Shem, would come a new nation, one that was from miraculous beginnings. This was Isaac, born of God`s promise when Abraham and Sarah were beyond childbearing.

Then from Isaac`s son Jacob, (later Israel) would come twelve sons who were the beginnings of the twelve tribes of Israel. These were God`s people with whom He guided, taught and protected over the centuries.

When Jacob and his sons went down to Egypt because of a famine in their land we can see God`s hand protecting them. As they grew in number they became a threat to the Pharoh. But even there we see God`s hand of preparation in Moses` life. After Moses encountered God, he and his brother Aaron led the Israelites out of Egypt after the plagues on Pharaoh and the Egyptians who resisted God's will.

In the wilderness journey of Israel to the promised land, God gives Moses the Law and shows him how the people are to worship Him. This is through a priesthood and rituals in the tabernacle and later the Temple which are a shadow of Christ and His mediatorial work.

God gives the land of Canaan in the Middle East to His people Israel. There they had to fight many enemies, but God continued to establish them in the land. After a time King David is anointed ruler and shows the nations God`s righteous rulership. God promises Israel that they will eventually rule over the nations.

Thus God`s plans of restoration of man and righteous rulership was revealed to come through this nation of Israel. God promised Israel that they would rule over the nations of the world with their king, their Messiah bringing peace.

Satan, however, ever present to try and undermine God`s plans influenced Abraham and Sarah to make a child with a bond woman Hagar. Ishmael was born and from him also came twelve tribes who became the Arabs we know today. Israel and the Arab`s relationship has been affected by rivalry and jealousy over the years.

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If it be true the that many of the Old Testament prophecies point to the now established Israel as God chosen people then we have few problems. Firstly the supposed chosen people were supposed to return in repentance. Marilyn they never did return in repentance and worship to the lord. Most are secular the rest represent Christ rejecting Judaism with a few Jewish Christians thrown in the mix. Even some Christian Zionists believe that this brood of vipers does not represent Gods chosen people and that they are yet to return because of that theological problem. Are these the sort of people that you believe are Gods chosen people’s the ones like Irgun and like the Stern gang who brought Israel into being with terrorists actions ? And I think very much with the unrelenting pressure of Zionist controlled America to establish the deed at the United Nations in 1948 ? IMG_8381.jpegIMG_8383.jpegIMG_8377.jpegIMG_8378.jpegIMG_8380.jpegIMG_8690.jpeg
If it be true the that many of the Old Testament prophecies point to the now established Israel as God chosen people then we have few problems. Firstly the supposed chosen people were supposed to return in repentance. Marilyn they never did return in repentance and worship to the lord. Most are secular the rest represent Christ rejecting Judaism with a few Jewish Christians thrown in the mix. Even some Christian Zionists believe that this brood of vipers does not represent Gods chosen people and that they are yet to return because of that theological problem. Are these the sort of people that you believe are Gods chosen people’s the ones like Irgun and like the Stern gang who brought Israel into being with terrorists actions ? And I think very much with the unrelenting pressure of Zionist controlled America to establish the deed at the United Nations in 1948 ?

Hi Prim,

First, I agree that people of any race have done monstrous things, and we know that God will judge them at the Great White Throne.

Second, we don`t judge every one in a nation by what some have done. Do we judge all Germans for what those did to Gypsies, mental ill and others in WW 2?

Thirdly, God knew that Israel could never turn and repent for they were all sinners like US. God said -

`For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given; and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, everlasting Father, Prince of peace. Of the increase of His government there will be no and, upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, to order it and establish it with judgment and justice from that time forward, even for ever.

The ZEAL OF THE LORD of hosts will perform this.` (Isa. 9: 6 & 7)

So, will it be by man`s efforts that God will establish Israel again? Certainly not! Only the Lord can perform this!
Do we judge all Germans. Yes we did . Considering that you had such ideologies as the Henry Morgotha plan. And that was to castrate the entire German male population and turn germany into a pastoral land pretty well devoid of anything else . Probably the only thing that stopped it from being implemented was the deteriorating relationship with communist Russia . It became essential for GERMANY TO LIVE. The Germans still pay reparation to Israel to this very day for supposed war crimes they never even committed. But that be another story. Yes there will certainly be a day of reckoning Marilyn. The Israel of today was orchestrated long ago to deceive many. Rome is never sleepy. Her fingerprints be all over this created promised land . I’m sure you’ll get your temple . The temple of the coming Antichrist. Do remember the true temp@e is now the people of God.
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God`s Nation.
God gives the land of Canaan in the Middle East to His people Israel. There they had to fight many enemies, but God continued to establish them in the land. After a time King David is anointed ruler and shows the nations God`s righteous rulership. God promises Israel that they will eventually rule over the nations.

Good morning,

We're reading the book of Exodus and God promised to drive out the enemies, or seven nations of Canaan (son of Ham,) the Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites, Jebusites, Canaanites and Gergashites.

To the offspring of Israel, God would give this land.

Side note in our personal study. We were commenting how
small Israel is geographically, yet they have so many names of lands, cities and names of peoples.

Compared to a
large continent like Australia, many names exists.

Point is, Jewish families back in the Old Testament traditionally required their children to memorize and recite the names in the genealogies.

God bless
you, Marilyn.

God`s Nation

Gen. 11: 10 – 26. Gen. 15: 1 – 6. Gen. 18: 1 – 15. Gen. 21: 1 – 7. Gen. 42: 1 – 4.

Ex. 3: 1 – 8. Ex. 11: 1 & 10. Ez. 13: 17 & 18. Ex. 19: 20. Ex. 20: 1 – 17.

Ex. 25: 1 – 9. Ex. 28: 1 – 4. Ex. 23.

2 Samuel 5: 1 – 5. 2 Samual 8: 15. Ez. 17: 22 – 24. Micah 4: 1 – 3.

Gen. 16: 1 - 16

Gentile Rulership

1 Kings 22: 51 – 53. Dan. 1: 1 & 2. Dan. 9: 1 & 2. Dan. 2: 31 – 45.

Dan. 5: 30 & 31. Dan. 8: 21. Luke 2: 1.

The ZEAL OF THE LORD of hosts will perform this.` (Isa. 9: 6 & 7)

So, will it be by man`s efforts that God will establish Israel again? Certainly not! Only the Lord can perform this!
I'm having a bit of confusion. Are you saying that God will establish present day Israel (people/place) as His people?