The Old Mission Church

The Old Mission Church
by Belinda van Rensburg

The air is hot and humid as we sit in the church pew,
The building's very old and nothing in it's new.
All the walls are cracking; the alter cloth is stained,
And I'm sure that we'd get drenched if it should rain.

The roof is leaking but the preacher keeps on preaching;
A tired fan is squeaking and the rusty door is creaking.
The paint is peeling but the people are all kneeling;
Pouring out their hearts to God with honesty and feeling.

I don't know the lingo but my spirit can discern
That the congregation's here to worship and to learn.
Oh! How blessed I feel as in this place I kneel,
For upon this mission church is God's approving seal.

© 2008
This stirred such a longing in my heart for the way as a whole we used to worship God.

It was all about HIM and us getting closer to our light and his warmth!

Thank you dear sister,another one that thrums my heart strings.