The Power of His Word


The Power of His Word

Mark 11:20-21

The Withered Fig Tree

20......In the morning, as they went along, they saw the fig tree withered from the roots.

21........Peter remembered and said to Jesus, "Rabbi, look! The fig tree you cursed has withered!"

God spoke and the world was created. There is great power in the words
of God! Jesus comes as God's presence among us. His words have great
power. He speaks and the demons are cast out, the leprosy is healed,
the storm is stilled ... and the fruitless are cursed and wither. What
is the difference between fearing the words of Jesus and embracing
them? The answer is in who we believe Jesus is and how much influence
we let him have over our lives. Jesus' power to condemn is often
forgotten in our desire to have a soft and winsome Savior to offer a
hostile and lost world. However, the Cross -- the awful and hideous
cost to God -- is not only a symbol of grace, but also a demand for
decision. The voice we hear when Jesus speaks will be largely
determined by what we do with his words in our lives today. Which voice
of Jesus will you hear?

God spoke and it was. There is absolutely no limit to the power of the Word of God and truly only doubt and unbelief can keep us from experiencing it's fullness from being revealed in and through us.

(yes I know that was a run on sentence but I could not stop myself).:p