The Power of our Words! Pt. 1 "Returning to the power of the Spoken Word that was in the Garden of Eden"

The Power of our Words is probably one of the Greatest Bible lessons we could ever learn, and why?
Because God has made us in His very Image, and He created the Heavens and the Earth by the power of
His words! And He said to us that Death and Life are in the Power of our Tongue. PROV. 18:21

I have made a powerful but very long movie video on this subject, but I wanted to break it down
in multiple parts for you to see, as time is precious these days! So please watch and enjoy these
following posts for very in-depth teaching on how you can
change your life and the lives around

you by the Power of your Spoken Words!

If you have just watched the video, I'm very, very curious about your comment's about the
water and the rice experiments, as well as all your comments, as I and everyone learns
so much from them! Please know that I have been blown away by the concept of how
our words have the power to affect water and rice.

And how that brings to life the words
of the Lord that said, our words have the power of death and life! If it involves water,
and the moisture In this way, think about the water in our brain and the fluid it floats in!
Now I also have many other videos that I will be showing you in similar experiments on other
things like apples and strawberries, and I plan to do one of these myself and make a video it!
I've also seen a video of how rock and roll and heavy metal music affect water under
a microscope!

Another thing, God is so concerned about our words because of their creative power,
that he says that one day we will be judged for what we have said. That is because,
when you speak a word, you can not take it back. When it leaves your mouth, it goes
out and keeps traveling in another dimension around the earth in a world that you can
not see. In another way that I've heard and believe, is that spirits travel on words!
Remember, Jesus said,
the word's that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life!

So if we were made in his image, then see where we are going from here!
Can you see the vital importance of speaking Life and not death?
This subject is maybe more important than we had thought it was!

Now think for a moment
about how all the miracles that happened in the Bible. Almost all of them
came from God from speaking through man! Some short phrases in the
Bible you might recognize!

Be made whole!
Moses, don't smite the rock, speak to the rock!
If you say unto this mountain move!
You can have whatever you say!
Speak the word, be instant out of season and in!
Let the words of my mouth be acceptable in thy sight!
Every Idle word you speak will be judged!
Comfort each other with these words!
A fitly word spoken are apples of gold in pictures of silver!
Be it unto me according to thy word!
He spoke and the wind and waves obeyed him!
Peter said, silver and gold have I none, but in the name of Jesus Christ rise up and walk!

Now you might wonder why in the post text, I mentioned back to the garden of Eden.
It's because, as God's children, we are going back to regain everything that Adam and Eve
lost in the garden. And one of those things of great importance, besides purity, and
perfect peace is there will be a restoration of the Power of the Spoken Word that they
had in the beginning. God gave Adam and Eve dominion over all the earth, and they
ruled and reigned not by their feelings or other things but it was by the Power of
their words over all of creation, including the animals!

The Bible says that we are now Kings and Priests before our God over a spiritual kingdom,
and how does a King rule? By his words. I believe that the Lord is getting tired of so many complaining
and wimpy Christians whining about every problem and constantly crying to him; when God, for example,
told Moses, quit crying to me, speak and move forward!

Comment- Please forgive me if this large text is bothersome. It's because my eyes are not that good.
But if it is better, I can shrink them down after I write them! Thank you for leaving a comment about this!
God Bless you and thank you for reading part 1 about The Power of our Words!
I kiss my flowers. I know that sounds silly but I do!!! They still die eventually, but I still kiss them just to show them I care about them. I believe they sense the love. In what way I do not know. Maybe when bees tickle the flowers they too laugh in their own language. Plants and animals, and I believe everything, do communicate with one another electrically. Plants They send signals from their roots to advise other plants of their proximity so scientists say.

But of course, If you kiss all your flowers with intent and still don’t water them then will they still grow? No I’ve tried it. So don’t try sweet talking yourself without some good nutrition.

Yes everything senses others energy.

I still carry those singing trees and dancing flowers with me since you posted that thread❤😊☝️🌲🥳😇 and laugh silently with all the cabbages of the world since that blessed day😁
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When it leaves your mouth, it goes
out and keeps traveling in another dimension around the earth in a world that you can not see.
This is quite important!

How long would you say these words can survive?

I never thought about how the energy of certain words and emotions can linger, but when I travel and see certain places I can sense good vibes from some places and bad vibes from others.
When u fiest read the verses about the weeds we say, that was 50 years ago, I was terrified of speaking at all in case I sinned. Your post is a terrific reminder of just how important and powerful our words can be.

Good study
on words. Thank you Brither Derek.
I kiss my flowers. I know that sounds silly but I do!!! They still die eventually, but I still kiss them just to show them I care about them. I believe they sense the love. In what way I do not know. Maybe when bees tickle the flowers they too laugh in their own language. Plants and animals, and I believe everything, do communicate with one another electrically. Plants They send signals from their roots to advise other plants of their proximity so scientists say.

But of course, If you kiss all your flowers with intent and still don’t water them then will they still grow? No I’ve tried it. So don’t try sweet talking yourself without some good nutrition.

Yes everything senses others energy.

I still carry those singing trees and dancing flowers with me since you posted that thread❤😊☝️🌲🥳😇 and laugh silently with all the cabbages of the world since that blessed day😁
You would make and are a very Loving gardener or shall I say gardeness! Opss, spell check didn't understand that word gardeness! :ROFLMAO: Yes, your great reply brings two scriptures to mind. Kiss the son lest he be angry. Psalms 2:12 which led to this interesting thought.

What does it mean to kiss the son (Psalm 2:12)?​

kiss the son

Psalm 2 is a psalm of David that presents two “ways” similar to Psalm 1—the way of human rebellion versus the way of submission to God. Psalm 2:12 at the conclusion of the psalm says, “Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and you perish in the way, for his wrath is quickly kindled. Blessed are all who take refuge in him” (ESV). The phrase kiss the son is important, both in its original context and in its significant messianic implications.

In its original context, the phrase kiss the son refers to an act of submission or obedience. God’s anointed king of Israel (Psalm 2:2) was David. By the time we get to the end of the psalm, someone greater than David is in view: Psalm 2:10–12 says, “Therefore, you kings, be wise; be warned, you rulers of the earth. Serve the LORD with fear and celebrate his rule with trembling. Kiss his son, or he will be angry and your way will lead to your destruction, for his wrath can flare up in a moment. Blessed are all who take refuge in him.” The hearers of this psalm were to “kiss his son” or submit to the Lord to keep Him from becoming angry with them. The NLT translates the phrase as “Submit to God’s royal son,” and the NASB says, “Do homage to the Son.”

At least two examples of kissing as a symbol of submission are found elsewhere in the Old Testament. In 1 Samuel 10:1 Samuel anoints Saul as king: “Then Samuel took a flask of oil and poured it on Saul’s head and kissed him, saying, ‘Has not the LORD anointed you leader over his inheritance?’” In 1 Kings 19:18 God tells Elijah, “Yet I reserve seven thousand in Israel—all whose knees have not bowed down to Baal and all whose mouths have not kissed him.” In both verses, kissing shows allegiance or submission.

The messianic implications of Psalm 2:12 are clear. It is not God who is being honored with a kiss but God’s “son.” Jesus is the Son of God to whom those who want to come to the Father must show allegiance. In John 14:6 Jesus says, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Also, “Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). Those who wish to know God must come to Him through His Son, Jesus Christ. Those who do not kiss or honor the Son of God stand condemned by God (John 3:18).

In Psalm 2:12, the psalmist primarily has in mind the kiss of submission—a dignitary receiving the humble kiss of an inferior. The “inferiors” who are told to kiss the Son are the kings and rulers of the earth (verse 10). No matter how powerful or important a ruler of this world may be, wisdom dictates that he pay reverence to the King of kings, the Lord Jesus Christ.

And the other verse was

Ephesians 5:26​

“That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,”

Thank you sister Fiona for your comment that inspired me!
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This is quite important!

How long would you say these words can survive?

I never thought about how the energy of certain words and emotions can linger, but when I travel and see certain places I can sense good vibes from some places and bad vibes from others.
I'm not sure of the answer to that how long they will keep traveling, but if spirits travel on words and spirits never die, until God finally destroys them, then it makes me think of how the Lord Jesus's words are still alive and moving today! It's like they say if you throw a pebble into the ocean, it does not stop, but will keep traveling until it hits a shore, then bounces back and keeps going. I'm wondering though if God can stop a bad word that we have spoken, and repented of and placed that word in the Sea of His forgetfulness, then I could see it being stopped there!
When u fiest read the verses about the weeds we say, that was 50 years ago, I was terrified of speaking at all in case I sinned. Your post is a terrific reminder of just how important and powerful our words can be.

Good study
on words. Thank you Brither Derek.
Thank you sister Cosia! Yes, it makes me fear all my future words in a good and healthy way as well. Because I've said plenty of negative words in my life! Help me Lord!!!
Yes I saw that Derek. When you think of it, they also travel through walls.
Yes, sister, I agree! The more I think about it, the more it makes me fearful to not let the devil use my
tongue, but let it only be used to speak the word of God in edification and encouragement to everyone around me and including to myself! I have so much more to share about this wonderful subject because it is really affecting my life in such a humbling way!
Similar studies were done with plants, the plants that were spoken to with words of love and encouragement grew full and blossomed with large flowers, the plants that were spoken to with negative words had their growth stunted and what flowers they did produce were small and less vibrant than the "Good" plants. Even Hollywood used this type of study in one of the Ghost Buster films with the pink ooze. They spoke kindly to one sample and it remained calm, then, they spoke words of hate to the other sample and it acted violently. Just a movie I know but it shows these studies are well known. If only we could get people to start to understand what their words do to other people and society as a whole. I am reminded of the old hymn "Wonderful words of life". Good post, interesting to see the results of these studies that prove out the bible.
If only we could get people to start to understand what their words do to other people and society as a whole. I am reminded of the old hymn "Wonderful words of life"
Yes, my brother, I'm with you on that. I love that old him Wonderful words of Life! The Value and Worth of positive God-anointed words from our lips are really tremendously life-changing! Thank you for sharing that study on plants! Very good and true!