The Power of Sodomy

Have you ever wondered why, after the angels struck the Sodomites blind, that they CONTINUED trying to find the door and get in to those two angels to "have relations with them"? That's totally amazing. The sin of sodomy is so profoundly powerful, that even Sodomites who have just gone blind continue to pursue the release of their wicked desire!

Can you imagine the Anger of the Lord that is kindled at ministries that will not preach against this in their church!
When America first started promoting gay marriage, The Holy Spirit in me said, ut oh....the end is near, and the cup of iniquity is just about full! Great post brother! I've never wondered why, but then smiting an entire town with fire and brimstone would kinda put a stop to it for sure.

I don't think it's amazing, I just think it's desperate, when a demon wants to inhabit any body and will use any means to do it.
As a woman, I have no idea what men go through. We have a different biology and different needs.

I dont even feel a desire for my own sex, so I cannot say for sure but, this desire appears to be so seductive, and I had no idea just how seductive it was.

But The bible says its a sin, so its a sin.

My heart goes out to those who struggle with this.