The Teacher

I am just ten years old. Parents moved around pretty often.
I ended up at a new school. Every Kid loves new schools :rolleyes:

My class has a brand new teacher. This was her first teaching job.
She was young very pretty, and very young. I could tell she seems
like some one that was an adult in Highschool (of which I knew little about).
And when she spoke, she did so with kindness and seemed us all
enjoy our education. She would sing. And always smiled.
As a kid in a new school this was easier then I thought.
Mrs. Casey made it easy. I was grateful.

The school was nice, we have place where once a week.
We got to watch movies in a small Theater the school had.
I had never seen one before or since. But our teacher
would pick cartoons or wildlife and then we would talk about it in class.

She would give us gift certificates for a Free Cheeseburger at Mc Donald,
if we got A's on our spelling.
OK as a kid you are think wow why aren't all teachers like this.

And the end of the year. We would move again.
And the new school still had corporal punishment.
I kept my head down.

Two years later I would go to Middle school/Junior High.
You are there two years then Highschool.
It had now been three years since I saw Mrs. Casey.
I was not in her class. Did see her much.
She looked different, but was not sure what that was.
She was always rushing so I never found time to say hi.

I would enter Highschool, it was a very large school.
Took up 3 city blocks. I really did not like it. Too big too busy.
Teachers treated us like we were invisible, the classes felt like they were over.
Before they started. I could not wait for summer.

My Junior year.
Its started fast, by now I felt like I was just a kid among thousands.
I was walking during break down this long hall to my next class.

First day of school felt like a mile, between classes.
I then saw a class door down the hall open. And you guessed it.
It was Mrs. Casey. And I was in her class. I said Hi as she passed.
I thought this wont be too bad. I waited for her response and that smile I remember
from years earlier. She looked at me and didn't say anything.
I thought I probably didn't speak loud enough.

I went in her class and took a seat waiting for it to start after break.
She came in and the class was filling up. I sat near the front so she could see it was me.
She stood and wrote her name on the board, and then didn't say much.
It was English class. ( I doubt there would be gift certificates but I did remember them well)
She started roll call, and I knew when she got to my name she would remember me.

She said my name, I paused and said here. I then waited for her to lift her head.
Recognize me, and smile.
She did not slow a beat and went on with the names.

English was not my strong suit, even into college I would just barely pass.
So being in her class. I knew she could help me get this done.
We would go over curriculum, and what was to take place, in the upcoming months.
Class was over and I thought OK, I will walk up and strike up a conversion.
But she got up and left before we all left.

I never saw her smile that year. I noticed her name was something Ms. Casey Something that year.
I never knew until I got older what that meant. I would go up at one point and said, I was in her class as kid.
That day was the last day I would speak to her. As she responded. I have had lots of kids in my class.
She was not mad, juts no smile, no singing.

That year would be the last time I would see her in school.
I would never quite understand. Where the Teacher I once knew went.
I still recall with great happiness those early years at ten.
And how 6 years could change a person so much.
She must have had struggles I would never understand at 16.

I hope she found peace.
Matthew 10:29-31 (NIV):
"Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."
This passage highlights God’s intimate knowledge and care for each person. Even if others forget or neglect you, God never does. He values each person deeply and is always mindful of them.

I do not feel she forgot, I think her life gave her too much to remember and value.
And they got mixed up.