the times we live in

The drag queen performance "recreating" da Vinci's painting of The Last Supper in the opening ceremony of the #Paris2024 Olympics is vile and evil at every level. It's blasphemous. And its performers included children, and it was intended for children to see. It is the "spirit of antichrist." if this dont stir you up Nothing will
453166884_1080905780066798_117182083336562229_n (1) drag queen.jpg
Thank you for reminding us.
Not sure if the picture should even be posted here ?

But the topic has been on my mind for a while and there is a lot that I could share.
For now just a Bible verse:
if by turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes he condemned them to extinction,
making them an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly (2 Pe. 2v6, ESV)
it needs to be show the mockery the blasphemy but then again it wouldn't surprise me it being removed we do live in a sheltered world like the Ostridge
I'm surprised such a thing took place in Paris. France is traditionally Catholic, and that opening performance was highly insulting to all Christians, but especially to Catholics.

The international scope of the sexual perversion movement (LGBTQ+, drag queens, & homosexual "marriages") is leading me to think that perhaps demonic forces have ensconced themselves into the highest levels of western politics and societal influencers--perhaps the same forces that had shaped the societies of Sodom and Gomorrah.
The bigger problem is that LGBT groups are also infiltrating Evangelical Churches.
This should concern all of us deeply
Just listen to Megan Basham, she has done a lot of research.

Therefore let's remind ourselves that judgement will begin with the house of God.
The bigger problem is that LGBT groups are also infiltrating Evangelical Churches.
This should concern all of us deeply
Just listen to Megan Basham, she has done a lot of research.

Therefore let's remind ourselves that judgement will begin with the house of God.
With regard to the infiltration problem, don't fret. God is still in charge, and the infiltration will expose the goats, so the sheep won't be deceived by affection for so-called "friends" at church.
God is still in charge,
he is but Christians should be outraged . this dont mean make signs and protest . its means we should speak up . i do feel this is just a drop in the bucket as to what is coming.. i live in mo and one the candidates said they was a christian. the other said in quote maybe but he is in favor taking our freedom away. nothing was said they was also. nope im not impressed when ANY candidate says there a Christian... i want to see fruit of repentance . Jesus said this is just the begging of sorrows