Just remember too:
2 Peter 2:7-8 (KJV)
And delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked: (For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed [his] righteous soul from day to day with [their] unlawful deeds)
Focusing on their deeds will vex you. What is it to be vexed?
1. to labor down, i.e. wear with toil.
2. (figuratively) harass.
This word is a compound word, so other translations like this are: "beginning to sink", Matt 14:30; "drowned" Matt 18:6; "oppressed" Acts 7:24; "swallowed up" 2Cor 2:7; 2Cor 5:4.
The point is, it's okay to learn of their sins to pray for them and you, but to focus on it will bring you down. This is why the word of God says to think on:
Philippians 4:8 (KJV)
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things [are] honest, whatsoever things [are] just, whatsoever things [are] pure, whatsoever things [are] lovely, whatsoever things [are] of good report; if [there be] any virtue, and if [there be] any praise, think on these things.
The TV, Internet, newspapers, people walking down the street, family members, even your own thoughts are all ingested with your senses (hearing, seeing, touching, smelling, understanding, believing) and it pulls us down. Statistically if we spend 7-8 hours of sleep, that leaves 16 hours. If your spend 8 hours working, 2 hours commuting to/from work, 2 hours of eating, that leaves 4 hours left. Grooming, house work, shopping, all chip away at that time. So let's say you have 2 hours left. What do you do with it? 22 hours are spent in the world, how much time is needed praying and digging into the word of God to "balance" out all the worldly intake? To un-vex our intake?
Now you understand why the word of God says to meditate day and night on His word, Joshua 1:8. Because as you go about your very busy day, during breaths when you're on auto pilot, murmur to yourself the word of God and listen to it, pray as you breath, all day. It takes a lot of effort to focus on meditating on God's word with all the distractions around us, but if you take 30 mins to an hour before you start your day to find that one verse you need to chew on during the day, you'll overcome the things of this world. Now you just have to do it. Then you'll be MORE than conquerors, Romans 8:37.