The Trinity

The purpose of New Testament is to identify the Lord Jesus as the Son of God (because that’s His primary administration for salvation). Though the Three are equal in Deity, power and essence, They are in an order of authority (Father, Son, Spirit - Jhn 10:29; 14:28; 1Co 11:3; 15:24); as the One sending has more authority than the One sent (e.g. the Son sent the Spirit from the Father - Jhn 14:16, 26; 15:26; Heb 1:2).

The Son and the Spirit (Act 5:4) both represent God, but esp. the Son, manifesting "the fullness of the Godhead;" and the Father is the Godhead particularly, but all Three “equal” (Phl 2:6) generally (Act 17:29; Rom 1:20; Col 2:9). The "fullness," meaning the Son is the complete manifestation of the Father--or God, in all aspects, except authority; God is also "the Father of all spirits" (Heb 12:9).

Thus it is "Son of God" or "Son of the Father" (2Jo 1:3); Spirit of God or "Spirit of the Father" (Mat 10:20; Jhn 15:26; Rom 8:15). We see “Son of God” and “Spirit of God,” but not the Father of God—because God is the Father. The Lord Jesus is sometimes called God or even the Father (Isa 9:6), but it's in the sense of representing God or the Father, in order to show that the Son conveys all that God determines with His mind concerning the believer. The One sending has more authority than the One sent (e.g. the Son sent the Spirit from the Father - Jhn 14:16, 26; 15:26; Heb 1:2).

This also answers to the beginning of most of Paul's epistles: "Grace to you and peace from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ" (Rom 1:7; 1Co 1:3; 2Co 1:3, etc.); the following passages also coincides with this doctrine (Jhn 20:17; Rom 15:6; 1Co 8:6; Eph 4:6).

The point is that the Father wants believers to see the Lord Jesus as the Son more than any other title, because carries the most significant relation to us as the One who only can save and bring us to the Father. Christians will be the greatest entity following the Trinity, because of being the only ones created in God’s image!

I realize this information may seem quite different to most, because I have yet to see any teaching on the Trinity in this way. It's just what I've come to believe during my 43 year walk in Christ. Of course, how one understands and believes the Trinity is not essential doctrine (essential doctrine is that which teaches how to be saved), so don’t think that however you conceive the Trinity can affect your salvation!

God’s blessing to your Families, and God be blessed!
Neth I did enjoy your be post. But where you state how one understands and believes the trinity is not essential. You than go on to say ( essential doctrine is that which teaches how to be saved ) I’m not so sure . The Jehovah witnesses certainly call on Jesus to be saved yet they deny Jesus his Divinity as God . The majority of Jewish ones rejected Jesus on his very claim of Divinity where he claimed the title of the Great I AM. They wanted to stone him to death for that very reason when he stated before Abraham was I AM. Yes they knew exactly what he was claiming one of the Ancient Divine titles of God. The divinity of Jesus became a stumbling block for them on that very issue of the godhead. It still be a stumbling block for many today.
Neth I did enjoy your be post. But where you state how one understands and believes the trinity is not essential. You than go on to say ( essential doctrine is that which teaches how to be saved ) I’m not so sure . The Jehovah witnesses certainly call on Jesus to be saved yet they deny Jesus his Divinity as God . The majority of Jewish ones rejected Jesus on his very claim of Divinity where he claimed the title of the Great I AM. They wanted to stone him to death for that very reason when he stated before Abraham was I AM. Yes they knew exactly what he was claiming one of the Ancient Divine titles of God. The divinity of Jesus became a stumbling block for them on that very issue of the godhead. It still be a stumbling block for many today.
The Jews who believe in God (Jn 14:1) but not in Jesus will just miss inheriting son-ship in Him; they will miss the "blessing" (Jhn 20:29), but will remain as the "people of God"; on the New Earth but not inherit the New Heaven!
I realize this information may seem quite different to most, because I have yet to see any teaching on the Trinity in this way. It's just what I've come to believe during my 43 year walk in Christ. Of course, how one understands and believes the Trinity is not essential doctrine (essential doctrine is that which teaches how to be saved), so don’t think that however you conceive the Trinity can affect your salvation!
God’s blessing to your Families, and God be blessed!
Neth I did enjoy your be post. But where you state how one understands and believes the trinity is not essential. You than go on to say ( essential doctrine is that which teaches how to be saved ) I’m not so sure .

Hello netchaplain and Prim90;

Thank you for sharing The Trinity. Bob, I also enjoyed your teaching and on all points of your thread, I do agree regarding the Trinity and live it daily.

Prim90 does raise a great point.

I did blue-light in netchaplains's statement, "how one understands and believes the Trinity is not essential doctrine (essential doctrine is that which teaches how to be saved), so don’t think that however you conceive the Trinity can affect your salvation!"

My response to that is knowing the teachings, the Trinity and God's Word (Bible,) is not the same as knowing God in a personal relationship.
I believe that is what you were conveying.

When I go before my Maker I can spew off all the Biblical knowledge that I know, but God sees my heart.

God bless you, Bob, and your whole family.
The Jews who believe in God (Jn 14:1) but not in Jesus will just miss inheriting son-ship in Him; they will miss the "blessing" (Jhn 20:29), but will remain as the "people of God"; on the New Earth but not inherit the New Heaven!
There was only ever one people of the God . That be the Israel of God Jewish or gentile alike. We all be one in Christ. My heritage goes back to Adam & Eve of which the Jewish ones heritage does come too
I did blue-light in netchaplains's statement, "how one understands and believes the Trinity is not essential doctrine (essential doctrine is that which teaches how to be saved), so don’t think that however you conceive the Trinity can affect your salvation!"

My response to that is knowing the teachings, the Trinity and God's Word (Bible,) is not the same as knowing God in a personal relationship.
I believe that is what you were conveying.
Hi Bob! What I meant by that is how one understands the Trinity cannot affect your salvation in Christ, because it's not an essential doctrine, like believing is Christ for salvation.
The Jews who believe in God (Jn 14:1) but not in Jesus will just miss inheriting son-ship in Him; they will miss the "blessing" (Jhn 20:29), but will remain as the "people of God"; on the New Earth but not inherit the New Heaven!
Netcha There be something terribly amiss here. You say of the Jews they only have to believe God but and not in Jesus. And will only miss the mere Son-ship and blessings in him. My bible says to me if you not be a son than you be a bastard the bible is rather Explicit and direct on that matter. Hebrews 12:8 ( But if ye be without chastisement,whereof all be partakers, than be ye bastards and not sons ) I take it that if the Jewish ones not be be through Jesus Christ the sons of the God then they not be sons at all. I’m a little confused. Even more so whether the Jewish ones should even bother to accept or consider Jesus if what you saying is true. Is there really any need for the Jewish ones to embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ? As to the earth you say they inherit only the earth but not the heavens. My bible doesn't separate the two. It talks about a new heavens and a new earth 2nd Peter 3:13 ( nethertheless we according to his promises look for a new heavens and a new earth whereof dwelleth righteousness ) that epistle be adressed to the church.
Hi Bob! What I meant by that is how one understands the Trinity cannot affect your salvation in Christ, because it's not an essential doctrine, like believing is Christ for salvation.

Hello netchaplain;

I understand how accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior effect our salvation. I get that.

By saying how we understand the Trinity is not an essential doctrine does not set in. Throughout the Old and New Testaments gives a profound teaching on the Trinity as a whole.

Otherwise are we to believe in Jesus to attain salvation and omit the balance of the Father and Holy Spirit as well as the Scripture teaching?

The part about the Trinity not being an essential doctrine does not set in.

Let's discuss this.

God bless you, Bob.
Hello netchaplain;

I understand how accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior effect our salvation. I get that.

By saying how we understand the Trinity is not an essential doctrine does not set in. Throughout the Old and New Testaments gives a profound teaching on the Trinity as a whole.

Otherwise are we to believe in Jesus to attain salvation and omit the balance of the Father and Holy Spirit as well as the Scripture teaching?

The part about the Trinity not being an essential doctrine does not set in.

Let's discuss this.

God bless you, Bob.
I see your point, but the essential doctrine is believing in the Lord Jesus as the Savior. Not to know or understand the Trinity cannot affect salvific doctrine. I think you may not understand what I mean by essential doctrine, but that's ok for now. One should believe in the Trinity, and we could say it's necessary (but not essential) to believe in it in the the way the Bible presents it.
I see your point, but the essential doctrine is believing in the Lord Jesus as the Savior. Not to know or understand the Trinity cannot affect salvific doctrine. I think you may not understand what I mean by essential doctrine, but that's ok for now. One should believe in the Trinity, and we could say it's necessary (but not essential) to believe in it in the the way the Bible presents it.

Hello netchaplain;

I have to agree that essential and salvific doctrine are two of many areas that I'm still learning, understanding and grasping. From a disciple position this will be ongoing for the rest of my days until I go to my Maker for judgment.

I feel you and I are on the same page when we study essential and salvific doctrine. Though we may have differing views in this teaching, these are healthy, differing views.

My understanding is my essential belief in the Triune nature of God, Son and Holy Spirit. First, my belief in God is essential and attributes to my salvation in relationship with Jesus. The Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God.
Genesis 1:1, In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

My relationship with Jesus includes my belief as our Resurrected Lord and Savior which you and I agree is essential for our salvation. John 14:6, 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

My relationship with the Helper, the Holy Spirit, attributes to my salvation and is essential. The Holy Spirit indwelt within me, intercedes on my behalf and conveys my prayers to the Father.

I believe the Trinity affects my salvific and essential doctrine in my personal relationship with Jesus. I do respect your apologetics regarding salvific and essential doctrine. Again, these are healthy, differing views and no doubt we will not stop learning, understanding as we continue to grow in our walk with Jesus.

God bless you, Bob, and thank you for your teaching.