
In thinking about the past few days and where I have been emotionally and mentally… I see how easy it is to get tripped up by the enemy and even more how important it is to take every thought captive… not allowing the enemy any foothold or access to one’s life, faith, mind or desires.

Keeping one’s hopes (faith) built up in the Word and on how much Jesus/Father loves His children. And how important it is to have a Scripture/Word from Adonai to hang onto.

Father reminded me of Isaiah 40:28-31 and Matthew 7:7-11.

The enemy is tricky, he will come in with thoughts like our pastor says.. that are more deadly than a rattlesnake in your house/bed. And it’s so important to be on guard 24/7/365. We need to understand or learn to recognize/realize where the devil trips us up. Where the weak places are in our minds/thoughts/hearts.

The Lord has also shown me that asking Him for the truth and to show me where the enemy got a foothold or even the slightest entry way into our thinking or lives is so important. That way we know what area we need to work on strengthening with His help. And where we also will know we need to repent. For sin is the only way the enemy can get a foothold into our lives

There are several big keys to keeping the door closed to the enemy. One huge one is forgiveness which goes along with offense. The very minute that we are offended… We are in unforgiveness. And that is a sure way to allow the enemy into our lives to bring about his desires. Once we submit to being offended which is also unforgiveness… We give the enemy legal right and authority to encourage/tempt us to continue walking in his ways.

One way to tell if you are offended is that the fleshly desires or emotions will be out of whack. We’re no longer walking in love towards the people around us. We’re frustrated, flustered, angry and we want to tell the other person what they did to upset us. Folks that’s the fleshly desires of the old unsaved/ungodly person rising up to react. It also can be called the lust of the flesh. The emotional mindset of ungodly, selfish, evil acts or reactions that we have allowed ourselves to submit to. The flesh likes the reactions and/or the chemicals that those reactions release in our bodies.

1 Corinthians 13:5 tells us that love …It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. NLT

So if we’re upset about being wronged (even if it’s just our perception) and wanting to tell the other person so that they can apologize or make it right… then we have fallen for the enemy’s trick of being offended and in unforgiveness. Because if we were walking in love… whatever we perceived the other person to have done wrong.. would have already been forgiven and forgotten, or at least in the process of letting it go or forgetting on purpose.

The enemy likes to make sure that we realize that a perceived wrong has been committed. he whispers in our ear and then encourages our emotions to follow. Then if we’re not paying attention to what’s going on… we get out of walking in/by the ways of the spirit (which is love) and we blast the other person, or we cry crocodile tears, or we slam stuff around or even respond to that person in an unkind mannor.

All of those things are responses that are encouraged by the enemy, and are his ways. We thus have submitted to the enemy and instead of partnering with God’s ways and carrying them out.. we’re carrying out the enemy’s ways. Those things will give the enemy a foothold legally … And also unless repented of will make it to where the enemy doesn’t have to flee from us, if commanded. Because he knows even if it’s for a moment we are on his side.

This is where renewing ones mind to the Word and consistently walking in love comes in like a flood to rescue us. It’s Father’s way of providing a way out of the temptation. (1 Cor. 10:13). The Word of God (our Bibles) in Hebrews 4:12 basically says that it possesses the power to make itself come to pass.. why, how can that happen? It’s alive. It’s just as much a manifestation of the Holy Spirit as Jesus. For the Holy Spirit is The Father’s power.

So as we meditate upon the Word and His love for us… We actually are forming a connection to the vine (John 15). We’re abiding in the vine… For His Living Words are abiding in us, and as our thoughts are centered on our Lord and Fathers ways… According to Romans 12:2 our bodies and emotions (souls.. which is the mind, will and emotions) will be transformed into what we’re meditating upon. But beware.. this is true of the evil/negative side as well