Three wise monkeys?

Three wise monkeys


So, I covered my mouth so I can’t speak
don’t want foot in mouth so I covered my lips so I can’t speak the wonders of salvation
Didn’t know what words to use
Didn’t want to speak
Cos I thought I knew better

Hiding my eyes so I can’t see
Covered eyes can’t see
cos if I see what You show me
Then i can’t ignore it
Blocking you out
Cos I thought I knew better

Covered my ears
Cos I didn’t want to hear
The words of council
too hard a path to pass along too hard to handle
Covering my ears singing
‘La La La La’
Can’t hear you, can’t hear the call to
‘Take up your cross and follow me’
Cos I thought I knew better

Think it time to get back on my knees?!

Think it time to get back on my knees