To Will or Not To Will?

The willing of the soul and the desire of the “old man” are separate entities within the believer in Christ! With the unsaved, unregenerate soul they are coalesce in their operations. Those reborn do not will after the desires of sin nature. But the unbeliever, being bereft of the new nature and unconcerned for holiness, must will after the desire of the Adamic-nature—being yet under its “reign” and “dominion” (Ro 6:12, 14); and to willingly desire after the old man is where its dominion of sin lies, just as not to will after the desires of the old man is where freedom from sin’s dominion is dethroned (Rom 6:18, 22; 8:2).

In my opinion the old man “is” still restrained on the Cross of Christ (is being crucified – Ro 6:6 - KJV) and continues to be nullified from its ability to cause one to will after its desires. Therefore, sin is not the will of believers but the desire of their old man, which is demonstrated in Paul’s declaration, “Now then it is no more I (new I) that do it, but sin (old I) that dwelleth in me” (Rom 7:17, 20). “I am crucified with Christ” (am being crucified - Gal 2:20). The “I” here is the old nature of the believer—just as the new I is the implanted nature; both coexisting, with the latter being dominant by the Spirit (Rom 8:13; Gal 5:17; Eph 3:16).

The new nature is “after God created in righteousness and true holiness” (Eph 4:24) and “is renewed in knowledge after the image of Him that created him” (or it - Col 3:10). This new nature after Christ is the “seed” in 1John 3:9, by which when the believer “cannot sin, because he is born of God” (i.e. cannot sin willfully). For, “Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin,” i.e. sins not with the new nature, but with the old nature (Rom 7:25).

The absence of the will to desire after the old man has no effect on the Father’s forgiveness, which comes by the Blood of Christ, but rather manifests the “work in you” of the Father (Phil 2:13). It is only through the Cross of Christ “we have redemption through His Blood, even the forgiveness of sins” (Col 1:14 – KJV); which forgiveness derives from, not the believer’s walk but the Lord Jesus’ Cross! Let us be ever aware that continual “presumptuous” (Num 15:30) or “willful” (Heb 10:26) sin not only manifests unbelief, but is also unforgiven!