
Hello 2404;

The ultimate treasure of worshiping our God for all eternity.

What are the treasures in your heart being laid up in heaven?

Thank you for sharing and God bless you and your whole family.
And hello to you Bob
What I was thinking is that God don't do something just because He can. I believe everything has a purpose pertaining to something higher - because He is God a master builder. One thing we do know is that God will get glory to Himself through worship due to the great act of salvation, but because the bible speaks of treasures I think it safe to assume there is a dual benefit working here. We know that Lucifer being as great as he was fell due to a lack of character and we know that character is the only thing that we take with us as a result of our earthly journey - hence the trials... So we have this jewel developed in our person, how will it be utilized on the other side? So I'm thinking the treasures are enhancing features for which God has planned for our future. Would these treasures be like 'coupons'
in our experience.
What might we desire that could then be had?
What does greatness look like on the other side? We know it is not self centered ego enhancement.
What might the treasures be?
Are you talking about the precious stones that are the foundations of heaven?
Or the fruits of the spirit?
Are you talking about the precious stones that are the foundations of heaven?
Or the
Hello Lanolin
I might have a little thought on the matter, but that is all it is. I think Major has some good points and if you have something to add I would be interested to see it.

In our current state treasures are something to compensate for our perceived shortfall be it manifested in a desire. But being in a perfect condition what could be added to it?
What could we value that we don't already have?
Isn't the treasure seeing Jesus face to face?

And hello to you Bob
What I was thinking is that God don't do something just because He can. I believe everything has a purpose pertaining to something higher - because He is God a master builder. One thing we do know is that God will get glory to Himself through worship due to the great act of salvation, but because the bible speaks of treasures I think it safe to assume there is a dual benefit working here. We know that Lucifer being as great as he was fell due to a lack of character and we know that character is the only thing that we take with us as a result of our earthly journey - hence the trials... So we have this jewel developed in our person, how will it be utilized on the other side? So I'm thinking the treasures are enhancing features for which God has planned for our future. Would these treasures be like 'coupons' in our experience. What might we desire that could then be had? What does greatness look like on the other side? We know it is not self centered ego enhancement. What might the treasures be?

Yes, Lanolin;

When we receive our reward in heaven is being with Jesus face to face, forever and ever and ever. What more treasure can we receive from God?

Matthew 6:19-21, 19 “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, 20 but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

made a good point about dual benefits. What spoke to me is the benefit of following Jesus all the days of our lives on this earth. The other benefit is keeping our guard up against satan, that the riches of the world will not take take away our desire to please our Creator.

A bag of marbles, gold, silver, jewels, diamonds, the works cannot replace the treasure Jesus has in store for all who prepare to meet our maker when He calls us to Him.
It opened up for me and it is so simple.
What do we receive when we do something for someone else with the right motive and objective...
What did our KING receive when He laid down His life for us...
Of course He receives in fullness and we in part but that is the treasure.
Nothing can touch it for it is a untarnished quality.