Trials [ JOB 5:6-7 ]

Job 5:6-7 (NASB)
6 “For affliction does not come from the dust,
Nor does trouble sprout from the ground,

7 For man is born for trouble,
As sparks fly upward.

One of the most difficult questions in life is, “Why did God allow this trouble to come into my life?” We do not always know the answer to the question, “Why?”

Try as we might, we often do not anticipate or understand trials.

They appear unexpectedly and from our view suddenly (although they usually have been simmering before they appear.

Trials came upon Job without his fore-knowledge.

Trials are often unexplained.

Job was unaware of the discourse in heaven between [the enemy] and God that brought about his trials.

Trials can be extremely difficult (by design?)

Trials often work hidden benefits.

Trials teach us about the Lord, others, and ourselves.

Successfully handling trials (even unending trials can strengthen our faith

Even though Job struggled to understand what was happening to him, Job came through his trials with increased faith in god.

Trials are sometimes God’s way of “chastening” of His people, getting us “back on tract” and working to mold us into the people He saved us to be, into the image of Christ.

Trials harden us against future adversities.

The long term effects of trials on ourselves and others is often unseen – Job never knew hoe many people have been encouraged and strengthened by reading the book of Job.

The final answer to the question "WHY:" is:

Our enduring troubles glorifies God.
Our enduring troubles glorifies God.

Well I’m not quite sure what glorifying God actually means but I have a love hate relationship with food. That causes me big trouble.
I must keep in mind the many proverbs about mindless eating and idol worshipping food and It’s a constant battle. It never goes away. I cannot let down my guard. So if If that’s what you mean by glorifying God then so be it. Other than that, I accept the truth that I will probably always suffer and be tempted to overeat and fail sometimes.
Well I’m not quite sure what glorifying God actually means but I have a love hate relationship with food. That causes me big trouble.
I must keep in mind the many proverbs about mindless eating and idol worshipping food and It’s a constant battle. It never goes away. I cannot let down my guard. So if If that’s what you mean by glorifying God then so be it. Other than that, I accept the truth that I will probably always suffer and be tempted to overeat and fail sometimes.
Maybe it is clearer to say:

Our endurance for His sake makes God's glory manifest.
Other than that, I accept the truth that I will probably always suffer and be tempted to overeat and fail sometimes.
As we all will fail in something, as I fail daily.

We all have to “chop wood and carry water” in this life. It’s an important part of our shared humanity, we all have our own unique temptations, struggles and challenges along with the resulting ups and downs in life we struggle to master.

Most often our worst foe in this struggle is ourselves and our own sinful natures, however, we have a moral and Spiritual compass, the Gospels.

The “good news” is God’s redemption of our sinful nature through the death and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ.

God is Glorified by our persistence in our struggles to do His will as much as in our successes. Even on my worst day I have yet to have been challenged as Job was, Praise the Lord.

God bless you Siloam for this topic, Via dolarossa for your honest personal testimony and BibleLover for offering clarity.