In the mid 80s, I was on staff at a ministry house in Portland, Oregon. Ppl would come in sick wit all sorts of maladies. They would be led on a walk thru forgiveness. During that time they took a piece of paper or more, if needed. On the top of one side they wrote, "Those I have hurt." On the other side, "Those who have hurt me." They would ask the Holy Spirit to quicken their hearts and reveal to them those who needed to be listed on whichever side. They also had to forgive themselves for harboring resentment and unforgiveness. There were ppl listed on both sides of the paper. As they walked thru the lists, they would forgive and ask forgiveness.
Many, many times the ppl would be healed of whatever was ailing them during this process. We asked the ppl to return to the Dr to be checked out. We had lots of praise reports after the Dr's appts.
I had gone thru a divorce before being on staff. I went through forgiveness this same way. The hurt, anger and resentment was healed in my heart.
I also had a stepmother who did everything she could to hurt my wife and daughter, verbally, with my Dad stuck in the middle. I applied this same principle and the hurt has been healed as well.
When you forgive someone, the enemy uses triggers to get you thinking about the situation again. You have to be diligent to fight off the attack by forgiving and releasing them again. The more you stand and fight, you find it the triggers not being as much of a problem for you.
I had to dig in and search out forgiveness for myself. You can do it because your told to, or you can dig it out of the Word of God yourself.
Burdens are removed, lives changed and freedom like never known before are waiting for you!