Under Law? Under Grace? or both?


You might have raised eyebrows now, or about ready to comment something negative, but wait a minute, to answer this question, which has been a popular theme in Judeo-Christianity, let’s first take a look at the meanings of these words.

“GRACE” something that is not merited, or deserved. Something we get when we shouldn’t get it. “By GRACE we are saved, not of ourselves, nor by our works, so that no man can boast (saying that he or she did this and that in order to receive God’s acceptance). The Hebrew word for “grace” is “Chen” (pronounced with a guttural “h”) if we look at the word using the ancient Paleo-Hebrew, we can see the symbolism of “The fence of life” Life is within the fence. A fence is to keep in precious and valuable things and keep unwanted things out. Yeshua has us within his “fence of love and salvation” just because He loves us.

“LAW” has been misinterpreted for so long. The word “law” comes from the Latin word “Legis” which means “something legal or legalistic.” However, the Hebrew word that is used is “Torah” which means “instruction.’ If we are to interpret the meaning of “Torah” in Paleo-Hebrew we would see; “The first Covenant of the nail revealed.” If this word had been translated correctly into Latin, it would have been; “instructio” or “educatio” and not “legis”

The Apostol Paul many times refers to “not being under the LAW.” He is stating that we are NOT under LEGALISM, or obedience to the commandments of God IN ORDER TO OBTAIN SALVATION!. Salvation (Yeshuah) comes by GRACE, Through “Yeshua” (play on words?) by our faith and faith in the one-time atonement/sacrifice on Calvary’s Cross. However, as members of God’s family, we now should “walk in and follow the “Instructions of God” (The Torah) which consists of His commandments, not for salvation purpose but because we ARE SAVED. The commandments, which are 613, are for our education, welfare, and spiritual maturity. Of course, not all of the 613 are for today, there are many which are not for today because there is no more temple, the Levitical priesthood is no more, we are not in Israel, etc., yet there are many that ARE for today. Which ones? That requires Bible study and that is on ALL OF US, to search the scriptures. The 10 commandants are the basic ones, the others fall under those 10 categories.

Yes, we are also under grace. Adam and Eve were under grace. Grace was in the Garden of Eden (wait, I thought her name was Eve?) LOL. Had not God given Adam and Eve grace, they would have been killed right then and there. Noah would have perished in the flood, had it not been for God’s grace, and we would all be flowers, trees, grass, or fish today.

So, what is the answer? Are we under Law? Or Grace? Or both? WE can say both YES and NO. Yes, we are under grace, NO we are NOT under legalism, and YES, we are guided by God’s instructions in His Word. At least we should be, but that is the decision that every believer has to make for himself or herself. Following HIS WORD is what our lives are all about. Living for HIM now and reap benefits in the World to Come.

Baruch Ha Shem! (Praise the LORD)

Rabbi Ben Avraham

As a small gift, I wanted to enclose a copy of my ebook, but the file is too large, so, you can go here to read it at your leisure;