
Having just sat through a long harassment response and prevention seminar, it was interesting that they did mention WOKE and a number of other social mentalities that are prevalent among much of today's youth. I also found it interesting that they did not discuss how they handle those suffering from the malady of "victimhood"
within their policies and directives.

"Based on clinical observations and research, the researchers found that the tendency for interpersonal victimhood consists of four main dimensions:
(a) constantly seeking recognition for one’s victimhood,
(b) moral elitism,
(c) lack of empathy for the pain and suffering of others, and
(d) frequently ruminating about past victimization

This is, as I see it, a looming problem that has been, is and will be weaponized throughout various realms of public life, and sometimes even intruding into private lives. There is no absolute measure of the claimants experience and/or agenda behind playing the victim role illegitimately when filing a complaint with legal advocacy organizations and/or their respective employer EEO, or even a governmental agency geared along that line of advocacy.

That there can and will be subjective measures applied, based on limited guidance for what is mostly internal to the one making the complaint and therefore cannot be proven in the mind and emotions of the claimant, that leaves the field wide open for advocacy authorities to weaponize the system to go after whomever the finger of blame is pointed, and without having to show proof of anything from within the mind of the one making the complaint.

Quite a number of lives have been ruined because of false accusations from chronic liars and mentally imbalanced individuals. As more and more imbalanced and dishonest people out there are emboldened to illegitimately use the increasing array of weaponized systems geared toward protecting and legitimizing a larger and larger array of mental illnesses that are today protected as legitimate and healthy lifestyles and life choices, we will see the creation of more and more legitimate victims who find themselves on the receiving end of injustices perpetrated by those who have no moral restraint against bearing false witness.

This is where not only the full armor of God is needed, but also full reliance upon the Spirit of the Lord to guide one through the stacked minefield against them. I was once falsely, accused by a racist, of uttering a racial slur that never was uttered by me, and it was by the protection of the Lord through a witness in my favor that they set aside that accusation against me by a racist who was well known for being a troublemaker in the company, and who filed more complaints than anyone else in the entire nationwide company.

So, having been on the receiving end of such an injustice at the hands of a mentally imbalanced racist, I can say from experience that no matter how innocent one may be, the system is most generally stacked against the one being accused, thus his or her having to prove their innocence. The witness on my side is the only thing that kept the EEO people from firing me on the spot for something I never said, nor even hinted. I was talking about a particularly nasty and violent form of music on the radio waves, never anything about skin color or ethnicity.

How about you? Ever found yourself with your nose against a steam roller wheel driven by someone using it as a weapon against you, just to silence you through illegitimate/false accusation?

I was once falsely, accused by a racist, of uttering a racial slur that never was uttered by me, and it was by the protection of the Lord through a witness in my favor that they set aside that accusation against me by a racist who was well known for being a troublemaker in the company, and who filed more complaints than anyone else in the entire nationwide company. How about you? Ever found yourself with your nose against a steam roller wheel driven by someone using it as a weapon against you, just to silence you through illegitimate/false accusation?

Hello Musicmaster;

I'm in the thick of these times just like everyone else in America, and the world. Here's my thought.

Have we been so different during the last 4 centuries? The breakdown in our moral fiber have different chapters and stories throughout history and the sins of today were just kept in hush hush secret in the past. But in our country's realm of Christian faith, God has always been there, seen and heard everything, especially our fervent prayers. Because of Him we have gotten past every single stench as a society.

Imagine if the
narrow gate in our country and the world never prayed?

Back in the 60s I remember as a 11 and 12 year old child I witnessed the
Generation Gap, a horrible, huge divide between the young and the old. One example, the Viet Nam war was devastating. Our soldiers came home from a war that we quit, and people would curse and spit on them for serving their country.

WOKE is just another "divide" but nothing we haven't experienced before.

Did you notice we have very little
GenZ here at Christian Forum Site? I wish we did so we could have conversations and hear their side of being a young Christian in these times. How can we pray for them?

I've had my share of unfair experiences and come to think of it, the Lord got me past everyone and everything. Though some instances didn't get resolved left me angry but I was able to get past those too.

MM, I don't have the answers to these times but I am capable of doing my part as a man of God who loves the Lord and people. How can God continue to use me?

What you posted is good food for thought, brother, thank you for sharing.
Thanks, Bob. I do indeed appreciate your thoughts.

What I will say about your end comment is to reference things the Lord Himself stated, in that the latter days of today will be "perilous times," although He also said that there is nothing new under the sun.

Youth of today have been programmed with the idea that manipulations of all kinds are acceptable, and that has been built upon the idea that there are no absolutes outside of what each individual determines for himself.

This and many more phenomenon we see happening today, because none of it is new, it ends up being nothing more than regurgitations of old items built upon the same sin foundations upon which all of mankind has been standing throughout all of time, just in a different wrapper. Inside that wrapper is one common element, and that being human pride. Pride parades only feed that monster with many, many faces. The cults of personality manifesting themselves within programmed mental illnesses successfully planted within so many of our public schools, and some private schools, has succeeded beyond what any man or group of men clothed in flesh could possibly have accomplished by the strength of the human arm. It's demonic at its core.

I realize I'm preaching to the choir here, but wanted to make sure others understand that we are seeing the same things they are seeing.

Having just sat through a long harassment response and prevention seminar, it was interesting that they did mention WOKE and a number of other social mentalities that are prevalent among much of today's youth. I also found it interesting that they did not discuss how they handle those suffering from the malady of "victimhood"
within their policies and directives.

"Based on clinical observations and research, the researchers found that the tendency for interpersonal victimhood consists of four main dimensions:
(a) constantly seeking recognition for one’s victimhood,
(b) moral elitism,
(c) lack of empathy for the pain and suffering of others, and
(d) frequently ruminating about past victimization

This is, as I see it, a looming problem that has been, is and will be weaponized throughout various realms of public life, and sometimes even intruding into private lives. There is no absolute measure of the claimants experience and/or agenda behind playing the victim role illegitimately when filing a complaint with legal advocacy organizations and/or their respective employer EEO, or even a governmental agency geared along that line of advocacy.

That there can and will be subjective measures applied, based on limited guidance for what is mostly internal to the one making the complaint and therefore cannot be proven in the mind and emotions of the claimant, that leaves the field wide open for advocacy authorities to weaponize the system to go after whomever the finger of blame is pointed, and without having to show proof of anything from within the mind of the one making the complaint.

Quite a number of lives have been ruined because of false accusations from chronic liars and mentally imbalanced individuals. As more and more imbalanced and dishonest people out there are emboldened to illegitimately use the increasing array of weaponized systems geared toward protecting and legitimizing a larger and larger array of mental illnesses that are today protected as legitimate and healthy lifestyles and life choices, we will see the creation of more and more legitimate victims who find themselves on the receiving end of injustices perpetrated by those who have no moral restraint against bearing false witness.

This is where not only the full armor of God is needed, but also full reliance upon the Spirit of the Lord to guide one through the stacked minefield against them. I was once falsely, accused by a racist, of uttering a racial slur that never was uttered by me, and it was by the protection of the Lord through a witness in my favor that they set aside that accusation against me by a racist who was well known for being a troublemaker in the company, and who filed more complaints than anyone else in the entire nationwide company.

So, having been on the receiving end of such an injustice at the hands of a mentally imbalanced racist, I can say from experience that no matter how innocent one may be, the system is most generally stacked against the one being accused, thus his or her having to prove their innocence. The witness on my side is the only thing that kept the EEO people from firing me on the spot for something I never said, nor even hinted. I was talking about a particularly nasty and violent form of music on the radio waves, never anything about skin color or ethnicity.

How about you? Ever found yourself with your nose against a steam roller wheel driven by someone using it as a weapon against you, just to silence you through illegitimate/false accusation?

As a matter of fact, that happened to me just recently.

It has been said somewhere that, there are no victims, only volunteers. That seems to mean that when we tolerate unacceptable behavior, you asked for it.

I believe that is right but it is also wrong. If a person is in and stays in a relationship that involves mental and physical abuse then YES that is true.

I was always one who stepped up immediately when there was bullying involved. Then as we grow older we learn that there is also mental bullying. It took time but in time I learned to disengage and walk away from potential attacks before they escalated.
It takes time to realize that that is the process becoming empowered, and no longer behaving like a victim.
It's interesting how the personality disorder of perpetual victimhood has been and still is being studied by a body of researchers, a number of whom may very well have been involved in the social, consulting firm think-tanks known to be sources that promote this type of garbage into college campus narratives of instruction and in public school activities and curriculum across the nation, all in order to implant that illness into the minds of unsuspecting and impressionable youth.

The social experimentation that is going on behind the scenes is an amazingly evil thing that the public knows little to nothing about. When we see youth playing the victim in a manic and irrational manner, they are assuming the role of victim to get what they perceive as their "needs" met through secondary gains.

They routinely avoid responsibility for their problems, thus blaming others who happen to be on the other side of the political and/or moral spectrum as themselves. There seems to be additional outplays of their mental illness:

  1. Blaming others for the problems they perceive as existing in their personal lives
  2. Constantly externalizing personal responsibilities by way of visualizing themselves as passive victims of negative outflows from other sources
  3. They play the part of helplessness allegedly because of their being at the mercy of external situations beyond their personal control
  4. Plenteous self-pity, always dwelling on their perceptions of misfortunes, and worst of all, feeling sorry for themselves
  5. They routinely resist change, and refuse to take active steps to improve their situation, and thus remaining a self-inflicted perpetual victim
  6. Chronically negative outlook on life, pessimistically expecting negative outcomes in almost everything concerning themselves.
Another downside within the victimhood phenomenon that many are duped into adopting for themselves, or pretending to become advocates for after having been paid to do so by various funds provided for by people like Soros, is that victimhood makes it much easier for the alleged victims, or their advocates, to commit crimes and outright atrocities against those they perceive or are coached into thinking of as being the alleged perpetrators guilty of the victimization of others.

Collective victimhood identity within the various groups, each of which identify under the banner of some contrived cause, is based on what may be called “chosen traumas.” The shakers and movers behind the victimhood mentality always choose which traumas and grievances to fabricate and which portions of history the mentally imbalanced activists are to ignore or downright deny.

This is a shaping of what ultimately becomes a collective memory that characterizes the group-think bandwagoneers, which can become a very large group of people feeling morally superior, and therefore victims, regardless as to whether it's justified or not.

Another downside within the victimhood phenomenon that many are duped into adopting for themselves, or pretending to become advocates for after having been paid to do so by various funds provided for by people like Soros, is that victimhood makes it much easier for the alleged victims, or their advocates, to commit crimes and outright atrocities against those they perceive or are coached into thinking of as being the alleged perpetrators guilty of the victimization of others.

Collective victimhood identity within the various groups, each of which identify under the banner of some contrived cause, is based on what may be called “chosen traumas.” The shakers and movers behind the victimhood mentality always choose which traumas and grievances to fabricate and which portions of history the mentally imbalanced activists are to ignore or downright deny.

This is a shaping of what ultimately becomes a collective memory that characterizes the group-think bandwagoneers, which can become a very large group of people feeling morally superior, and therefore victims, regardless as to whether it's justified or not.

We also need to remember that the affectation of victimhood is a tried and true technique for manipulation.