Vow of poverty

Hello, just wondering if anybody's taken the vow of poverty and what it's like.

I had always thought that taking this vow meant one owned pretty much nothing, only enough stuff to live on. For example, medieval monks who lived in monasteries, they had all that they needed from the church, they didn't need much else, so they all gave up personal belongings. But, a while ago I read about someone in our contemporary world who had taken this vow, and according to him, it wasn't like that at all. He said that he shared stuff communally with his fellow Christians, however, he still had money to say, go and visit his family. Apparently he had a car that he could drive too, but it too was communally owned.

Anyway, I just think it's very interesting. Would love to hear your thoughts.
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Hello Wan;

It's always a blessing to see you here and discuss your interesting threads. A Vow of Poverty is a question and commitment that can be answered on a broad range.

Monasticism is almost as old as Christianity itself and its unique way of worshiping God and communal line didn't occur until the fourth and fifth centuries. Western monasticism include monks who made a vow of poverty with various rules generally followed the Egyptian pattern.

In 2004 this study of monasticism sunk in deeply as I prayed for several years about serving God in the Pastoral ministry.

When God called me to Pastor a Church I made a vow of poverty to serve full time. I knew I would not get rich but rely on God to provide all my needs. When I retired from my career in Accounting, my salary immediately dropped, the Church had a budget and could afford to pay me within it's means.

I did apply some valuable lessons from the secular world. We worked hard to keep our debt ratio low to zero. We sold both our homes six years ago.

Today, many of our closest loved ones and friends attained their dreams and are enjoying life.

We live a good life, are spiritually content and thank the Lord for each day.

This is just a small testimony on a decision I made for the Lord and He has provided all our needs.

God bless you, Wan, and thank you for Vow of Poverty.
Thank you Bob.

A follow-up question if you don't mind: you said that you were the pastor to a church. Does this mean you went to a theology school or seminary?
Thank you Bob.
A follow-up question if you don't mind: you said that you were the pastor to a church. Does this mean you went to a theology school or seminary?

Hello, Wan;

In 2004 I was serving as a Deacon, then an Elder when my my former Pastor encouraged me to take just one course at seminary to get some Biblical education under my belt. I lacked confidence in studying "theology" (study of God) but I did well and it boosted my academic confidence. So I took two classes next semester and so on for the next 15 years and graduated in 2008, 2015 and my masters 2019.

Speaking for myself, if I had become a Pastor without the education I felt I would limit myself in executing teaching, preaching and outreach to people. The education allowed me to expand these and other areas in the ministry God gave me.

There are other Pastors at CFS such as Major, forgiven, Pastor Gary, Pastor Mayende and Pastor Mei who can share Vow of Poverty and their education experience.

God bless
you, Wan, and thank you for asking.