Was God a Poet, and Artist ?

In Genesis, God did some amazing things, including what we call life.
Over the several days of creation God created the basis for humans to survive.
And that would have been good enough.

But there is a small spot where God says he created us in his own image. Which would equate to us having many benefits that God
presented. After all the world that we view is in the eyes of how God viewed the creation.
His words make clear before man, that the stuff created was amazing, pleasing to him. That was not for our benefit yet.
But what is pleasing to God and his creation, is also why we find the same perspective in our lives.

We have some good ideas of whom God was and is and will be.
But there is more if we take sometime to see how close God kept us in his creation:
  • God as Creator: The Bible describes God as a creative being who takes delight in His creation. Beauty is an expression of God's nature and character. Just as an artist creates something beautiful not out of necessity, but out of the desire to express creativity, God’s creation reflects His glory, wisdom, and love. And we embrace these qualities our selves. A true blessing.
  • Psalm 19:1 (NIV): "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands."
  • Genesis 1: The creation account repeatedly notes that what God created was "good," suggesting that beauty and goodness are inherent in God's work.
  • Gift to Humanity: The beauty of the world can be seen as a gift from God to humanity. It reflects His generosity and His desire for humans to enjoy and take pleasure in His creation. Beauty, in this sense, enriches life and provides joy, inspiration, and a sense of wonder.
  • James 1:17 (NIV): "Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows."
  • Acts 14:17 (NIV): "Yet he has not left himself without testimony: He has shown kindness by giving you rain from heaven and crops in their seasons; he provides you with plenty of food and fills your hearts with joy."

    Look outside at the yellow and red flowers. The smell of the ocean. The admiration of a bird on flight, the love of puppy,
    the triggering effects of a laugh. The warm embrace of a hug.
    The wind as it brings the scent of spring, and the sky as it dims and the night is sparkling the heavens.

    These things we know, are not required for a living being to survive.
    But these things we know its a good chance how God felt, are also how we feel about these things.
    We are closer to God then just what he created. We share some very common ideas of beauty and enjoyment.
    When God is disappointed or displeased. I think its very much like we feel these emotions.
    Its seems very plausible that most emotions of enjoyment, pain, humor, sadness and pain must be pretty close to what God feels.
    For these are things he created. I am not God, so I am unsure how he could create us in how we experience life.
    without knowing these emotions himself in some way?

    And then Christ, God as man. Jesus experienced what we experienced. There is no discussions in the Bible that Jesus
    fond it hard to fit it. God knew what Human would feel. But Christ would build a permanent intimacy with man in the returning of the sun.
    If you ever doubted perhaps its easy for God, because. Well he is all powerful, all amazing.
    But in Christ the father knows exactly your suffering and pain.
    We are truly blessed

Hello Rooted;

Was God a Poet, and Artist ?

In your thread, to me, you're sharing some deep thoughts. One thing that sticks out is when you wrote, "But there is a "small spot" where God says he created us in his own image"

It's all good. I just wanted to ask if you could share how this aligns with the rest of your post.

God bless
you, brother, and thank you for sharing.
Hello Rooted;

Was God a Poet, and Artist ?

In your thread, to me, you're sharing some deep thoughts. One thing that sticks out is when you wrote, "But there is a "small spot" where God says he created us in his own image"

It's all good. I just wanted to ask if you could share how this aligns with the rest of your post.

God bless
you, brother, and thank you for sharing.

Hello Bob
I think that its Possible/Plausible : Some times people look and may only have the thought:

Genesis 1:26-27, God created humanity (both male and female) in His own image. As in God looks like Man?
Why this is possible the idea in my head was placing deeper meaning in Gods Image. Small spot as I think people do not look past this always.
I was taking a journey with it. And trying to give some evidence to his vast Glory over just the short scripture.

  1. Dignity and Worth: Being created in God’s image implies that humans possess inherent dignity and worth, reflecting God’s own character and nature. As described in the posting above. Like God, not God.
  2. Resemblance to God: Humanity shares certain qualities and characteristics with God, although not identical to His divine nature. This resemblance is often described as a spiritual or moral likeness. As it appears there are strong similarities on how God and us feel.
  3. Distinctiveness: Humans are unique among creation, set apart from animals and plants, and possess a capacity for self-awareness, creativity, and spiritual connection with God. And yet it could appear we share allot of what god created us to be in so much more then it may appear as how we look. But not God.

    I should stress for future readers, this comes with the caveat, that God is not man and we are not Gods.
    And this in no way is hinting or describing that possibility in anyway.
    It was to point out to put in simple terms. I can glance at my Beautiful wife, and appreciate her Beauty inside and out.
    This is because in Genesis, God is pleased with what he created, and we enjoy it in a similar way. A gift from God life surely is beyond what we might limit it :)
    I do hope that helps some ?
Edit: BTW thank you for asking. My brain sometimes goes on some travels of thoughts when it comes to Lord.
So please ask to clarify if I miss something. I am aware my mind works faster then my mouth and or hands at times.
Ask the Mrs she will verify it LOL.
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