We are moving forward. God is with us.


Staff member
We are moving forward. God is with us.

ChristianForumSite.com is now on a dedicated server

Our website is now hosted on a secure and powerful dedicated server managed by one of the best forum hosting companies called UrlJet. This means our members get a faster loading and error-free website.

See our server specifications below:

Dual Core Dell PowerEdge Enterprise class server
100 Mbps Port
2000 GB Bandwidth
4 IP Dedicated IP's
SATA RAID 1 Disk Controller
2 x 250GB SATA Drives
Software RAID-1
CentOS 5 (32bit)
Pro-active Host Ping Monitoring
Intrusion Detection & Protection
Network IDS/IPS Protection
R1 Hourly Backups of all files
complete optimization to run vBulletin exclusively.


I want to thank our new hosting company UrlJet for providing us this service and also our old hosting provider LogicWeb and especially Chad the CEO for being with us for so many years right from the start. I will still recomend LogicWeb for your hosting needs. I decided to move our forum because I wanted a hosting company who would also be able to solve forum related techical issues which UrlJet seems to be experts at. So my appreciation to both these companies.

Now, you CAN be a part of our wonderful ministry

By praying: The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective and there is nothing too hard for God. Please pray for our ministry online and offline, our team members, our members, our hosting company and our server. God will provide us the confidence and miracles we need to move ahead.

By spreading the word: We have a very wonderful community here backed by a dedicated team and powerful technical support. Please do make use of this service to reach to your family and friends. Invite them here and also continously talk to them about Jesus. CFS's primary vision is to reach the lost for Jesus and also to provide Christians a good place to fellowship. If you are on other forums, mention us in your signature. If you have a website, post a link to our site.

By donating: Dedicated server means much higher hosting related expense for me. I decided to give my best for God out of what I have. So I am now serving at our Church (Planetshakers), paying for hosting here, sponsoring a child in India via Compassion and working part-time at a supermarket. If God can use me, he can also use you powerfully. If you think you could also help, please do let me know. You can contribute through a monthly, yearly or a one-time donation. I'll do my best to expand our reach and spread the good news of Jesus Christ to as far as possible. That is what I am called for. :)

For donations, my address:
29/75 Drummond Street
Carlton, Victoria 3053

Thank you all for your continual encouragement and support. God bless you.
You can contribute through a monthly, yearly or a one-time donation. I'll do my best to expand our reach and spread the good news of Jesus Christ to as far as possible.

Jeff, how much would the donation(s) be? Are you saying that if we have ideas that can help to let you know? Or, do you already have the areas of which you could use help?
Jeff, how much would the donation(s) be?

Just to give you a rough idea. With the migration CFS hosting expense has gone up by 120USD/month. There are other expenses which I can easily manage.

But don't worry, any amount small or big should help. :) At the moment, I can only accept payment via cheque or direct bank transfer. I've only used paypal before so I don't really know how to send or receive payments via mail. I can contact my bank and get the details soon. I have already set up an account with National Australia Bank for my own offerings.

For internet bank transfer within Australia, my account details are:
BSB number: 083 004
Acc number: 871 894 046

If you are sending a donation, please let me know before hand so I won't be surprised or confused. :) My address is on top. I'll also tell you how I would use it.

I'll also probably contact companies about advertising here. That should also help.
Would this be a cashiers check or personal check? Also, want to be sure, you cannot accept money orders correct?
I don't think I understood...did you say you've never used Paypal? Most people have a paypal account and it would be very convenient.

Will you be adding a donate button...I think you should.

Also, have you thought of advertisement to help pay for the costs?

Also, have you thought of advertisement to help pay for the costs?

that would be a great idea..