Well, lookie there who woke up too little too late! - Please respond!
Good morning all!
I just red an article on MSN that's talking about discipline called "Mold the perfect child - The recipe is more discipline and far fewer toys, says this behavioral scientist" Well, duh!!
Finally, the world is waking up to the realization that years and years of children being taken away from loving, good, godly parents because of spanking which put such fear in people that they started ignoring and shunning God's ways in favor of worldly methods has created, well, monsters! Not to mention taking God out of schools, a place where it's OK these days to mention Budah or any other "God", but heavens help you if you say Jesus! It just ticks me off to see some "behavioral scientist" being quoted and featured on MSN as if saying something "new" when Christians have been saying the same things for years about discipline but nobody listened! Eek!
Any thoughts?
Good morning all!
I just red an article on MSN that's talking about discipline called "Mold the perfect child - The recipe is more discipline and far fewer toys, says this behavioral scientist" Well, duh!!
